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投稿时间:2008-07-18 修订日期:2009-07-13
投稿时间:2008-07-18 修订日期:2009-07-13
中文摘要: 湖北通山大畈核电站是我国政府批准兴建的第一个内陆地区核电站,为了保障核
电站周边80 km×80 km区域1956—2000年间的飑线资料,并据此对其时空分布和灾害特
一致;飑线平均持续时间为95 min,远比龙卷风的17 min长。(2)飑线局地性很强,其中站址
东北部和南部50 km以外的地区最多,而站址中心区的通山及邻近的崇阳没有出现,这种特
集中在NNW—SSW等7个方位, 尤其是WNW、W、WSW等3个方位最多。(4)除风灾外,飑线出现时常伴有强
中文关键词: 核电站, 飑线, 时空分布, 灾害, 龙卷风
Abstract:Dafan Nuclear Power Plant in Tongshan, Hubei is the first one situated
at the mainland permitted by the national government in China. In order to abso
lutely ensure the safety of that plant, the evaluation of the basic climatic pro
perties (including the properties of disasters) and designed parameters of the
squall lines is very important in the preceding period. Based on the primary dat
a collected from the area of 80 km×80 km around the nuclear power plant in Tong
shan, Hubei from 1956 to 2000 through many ways such as the record in meteorolog
ical stations, the collection of disaster events, and the report of climate impa
ct assessment, the characteristics of temporal and spatial distributions and disa
sters of the squall line events are analyzed and compared with that of tornado e
vents. It is revealed: (1) There is apparent temporal (daily, monthly, seasonal, d
ecadal) distribution for the squall line events that are mainly concentrated in
summer and spring especially in July, August and April, from mid day to early e
vening especially at afternoon, in the 1980s, all these are similar to that of
tornado events, but the average lasting time for all squall line events is abou
t 95 min that is longer than the average lasting time (17 min) for all tornadoes. (2)
There are very apparant local properties for all squall line events, such as Hua
ngshi at northeastern part of the plant and Xiushui at southern part of the plan
t with the most frequent events, and Tongshan and Chongyang at the central part
of the plant with no events at all in the recent 31 years, which are determined
by the local position, topography and the moving paths of synoptic systems. (3) The
moving direction is mainly concentrated from NNW to SSW, especially from WNW to
WSW. (4) Apart from storms when squall line events occur, there are strong li
ghtning and heavy rain together that will make the disasters more serious. (5) Co
mpared with tornados, there are a little bit smaller wind speeds for squall line
events, thus a wind scale of 12 is closed as the designed speed.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
CHEN Zhenghong,LIU Lailin,YUAN Yechang,2010.Research on Disasters and Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Squal Lines Around Dafan Nuclear Power Plant in Tongshan, Hubei[J].Meteor Mon,36(1):79-84.
CHEN Zhenghong,LIU Lailin,YUAN Yechang,2010.Research on Disasters and Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Squal Lines Around Dafan Nuclear Power Plant in Tongshan, Hubei[J].Meteor Mon,36(1):79-84.