(1.沈阳区域气候中心,沈阳 110001;2.南京大学大气科学系;3.辽宁省营口市气象局)
Changes in Accumulated Temperature and Days Steadily Above Certain Threshold in Liaoning Province From 1951 to 2007
(1.Shenyang Regional Climate Center, Shenyang 110001;2.Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University;3.Yingkou Meteorological Office)
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投稿时间:2008-11-09    修订日期:2009-09-10
中文摘要: 对1951—2007年辽宁省稳定通过0℃、10℃积温和持续日数变化进行了分析。结 果表明:(1)近57年来辽宁省稳定通过0℃和10℃积温和持续日数呈递增趋势,其中稳定通过1 0℃积温和持续日数递增趋势更明显;(2)各标准气候期稳定通过0℃和10℃积温变化趋势不 同,第1个和第2个30年标准气候期呈现递增趋势较弱,最近30年标准气候期呈显著递增趋势 ;各标准气候期稳定通过0℃和10℃持续日数均为递增趋势,而且后期递增较前期更为显著 ;(3)中部和沿海城市稳定通过0℃、10℃积温和持续日数递增趋势强于北部和西部;(4) 城市化引起的热岛效应是观测到的稳定通过0℃、10℃积温和持续日数递增的重要原因,而 区域气候变暖则进一步加强了递增趋势。
Abstract:Changes of accumulated temperature and days steadily above 0℃ and 10℃ in Liaoning Province from 1951 to 2007 are analyzed in this paper. The results indicate as follows: (1) The accumulated temperature steadily above 0℃ and 10℃ signifi cantly increases in the recent 57 years. (2) The accumulated temperature undergoes different changes for different time periods in the recent 57 years, with a weak increase for the first or second 30 years, and a strong increase for the last 30 years. The d ays steadily above 0℃ and 10℃ also obviously increase in the period analyzed, with the last 30 years seeing a much more evident rising than the previous per iods. (3) The increases in the accumulated temperature and days steadily above 0 ℃ and 10℃ are generally larger in the middle and the coastal areas, and they a re also larger at the large cities than at the small cities, implying that urbanizatio ns might have some influences on the surface temperature and accumulated temperatu re changes. However, the regional background climate warming would be also impor tant for the observed changes in the accumulated temperature and days steadily a bove 0℃ and 10℃.
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Zhang Yunfu,Jin Wei,Qu Yan,2009.Changes in Accumulated Temperature and Days Steadily Above Certain Threshold in Liaoning Province From 1951 to 2007[J].Meteor Mon,35(12):109-117.