(1.广西区气象减灾研究所,南宁 530022;2.广西灵山县气象局)
Analysis on the Relationship Between Litchi Canopy Temperature and Air Temperature in Winter
(1.Guangxi Institute of Meteorology, Nanning 530022;2.Guangxi Lingshan County Meteorological Station)
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投稿时间:2008-06-05    修订日期:2009-05-11
中文摘要: 基于野外实测数据,按晴天、阴天、雨天、多云到晴等天气类型,分析2007/2008年 、2008/2009年冬季荔枝果园大气温度、冠层气温与观测站大气温度的变化关系,结果表明 :晴天荔枝冠层温度昼夜变化最为剧烈,多云到晴天气次之,阴天和雨天冠层大气温度变化 相对平缓;果园和观测站大气温度昼夜变化同样与天气类型有关。按天气类型分别建立的观 测站与荔枝冠层之间的夜间、白天和全天大气温度线性、曲线回归关系模型表明:阴天和雨 天模型效果好于多云到晴、晴天天气,夜间模型好于全天和白天。这一结果对应用观测站大 气温度开展荔枝寒害冻害监测有参考作用。
中文关键词: 荔枝  冠层气温  大气温度  寒害  冻害  天气类型
Abstract:The relationships among the air temperatures of litchi orchard, cano py and observation station in four weather types, i.e. the sunny, cloudy, rainy, and cloudy to sunny cases were analyzed based on field data in winter, 〖JP2〗2007/2008 and 2008/2009. The results showed that the canopy temperature changes between daytime and nighttime we re the largest in the sunny case, in the cloudy to sunny case the temperature changes between daytime and nighttime were the second, however, in the cloudy or rainy case the temperature changes between daytime and nighttime were smoot hly. In the same time, the orchard and observation station temperature changes between daytime and nighttime were closely related with weather types. Th e linear or curvilinear regression relationships of observation station and canopy temperatures w ere set up for da ytime and nighttime and the whole day based on different weather types . The res ults showed that the relationship models for cloudy and rainy cases and advectio n cold chilling were better than sunny and cloudy to sunny cases. In all models, the models of night time were the best. The results of this research show that it is feasible to monitor litch i cold chilling and frozen injury with air temperature of observation station.
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基金项目:国家科技支撑项目课题 “华南寒害监测预警技术研究”(2006BAD04B 03)和“亚热带主要农作物寒冻害评估及监测预警技术研究”(2008BADB8B01)联合资助
Tan Zongkun,He Peng,You Mingshuang,Yang Xin,Ou Zhaorong,Huang Xingchun,2009.Analysis on the Relationship Between Litchi Canopy Temperature and Air Temperature in Winter[J].Meteor Mon,35(12):102-108.