(1.海南省气象科学研究所, 海口 570203;2.海南省气象台;3.海南省气候中心)
Climatic Characteristics of Gale Events in Northern and Southern Coastal Zones of the Qiongzhou Strait
(1.Hainan Research Institute of Meteorological Science, Haikou 570203;2.Hainan Meteorological Observatory;3.Hainan Climatic Center)
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投稿时间:2008-12-18    修订日期:2009-06-15
中文摘要: 根据最大风、极大风两种大风事件标准,利用琼州海峡南北沿岸海口、琼山、 临高、徐闻4站1977—2006年地面观测资料,分析了琼州海峡南北海岸带大风的天气气候特征 ,并对大风形成的可能机制进行了探讨。近30年,琼州海峡南北两岸大风日数的演变趋势不 同,北岸具有波动的演变规律,具有14年的年代际变化周期和2~4年的年际变化周期,波动 周期与影响海南岛的热带气旋年频数的显著周期基本一致;南岸为线性减少趋势,气候突变 期为20世纪90年代中后期。城市化进程加快、冷空气势力减弱是导致南岸大风事件显著减少 的主 要原因。北岸易出现东北大风,南岸易出现偏南大风;平均而言,南岸大风强于北岸,两岸 大风均以夏季出现频率最高,冬季最少,这与我国大部分地区大风的季节特征不同。
中文关键词: 琼州海峡  大风事件  气候特征
Abstract:The climatic statistical characteristics of gale events in northern and southern coastal zones of the Qiongzhou Strait were described using data for stations Xu we n, Haikou, Qiongshan and Lingao from 1977 to 2006. Poten tial mechanisms for the development of gale events were examined. The data were a nalyzed in term of two criteria for a gale event based on sustained winds or a wind gust. During the last 30 years, annual high wind days show different trends in northern and southern coast zones of the Qiongzhou Strait. In the nort hern coast, the re exist obvious periods of 14 years and 2-4 years in the variation of tho se annual high wind days, which is in accordancewith the periods of tropical cyclone’s frequencies influencing Hainan Island. I n the southern coast, annual high wi nd days show a significantly linear decrease trend, the climatic abrupt decrea se periods are in the middle and late 1990s. The accelerated urbanization of cit y and the weakened strength of cold air are the main reason accounting for the decreas e of gale events. There exists a pronounced northeast quadrant directional preferen ce for high winds in the northern coast of the strait, while southerly direc tional preference in southern coast. On the average, high wind events in southern coast are stronger than that in northern one. Contrary to the common climatic char acteristics of gale events in most other parts of China, gale events are most freque nt in summer and rare in winter.
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基金项目:国家自然科学基金课题“琼州海峡大风规律及预报方法研究”(407650 02)和海南省重点科技项目 “琼州海峡大风预报系统”(070302)共同资助
Xin Jiwu,Weng Xiaofang,Xu Xiangchun,Xing Xuhuang,Feng Wen,2009.Climatic Characteristics of Gale Events in Northern and Southern Coastal Zones of the Qiongzhou Strait[J].Meteor Mon,35(11):71-77.