(1.河北省气象台,石家庄 050021;2.兰州大学大气科学学院;3.河北省气 象科技服务中心;4.灾害天气国家重点实验室)
Analysis on the Phase Transformation of Precipitation During a Strong Cold Wave Happened in Spring
(1.Hebei Meteorologicl Observatory, Shijiazhuang 050021;2.College of Atmosphere Sciences, Lanzhou University;3.bei Meteorological Science and Technology Service Center;4.State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather)
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投稿时间:2008-04-11    修订日期:2009-04-03
中文摘要: 应用NCEP 1°×1°资料、常规观测资料、自动站资料、多普勒天气雷达资料,对200 7年3月河北省一次早春强寒潮天气背景下的降水多相态转换的成因与雨雪转换的预报进行了 分析。结果表明:850hPa及以下蒙古高压和江淮气旋共同作用产生的偏东风导致低层大气温 度持续下降,降水性质从雨转为雪。随着江淮气旋入海,高低空风向发生突变,从东北风转 为西北风,加上太行山地形作用,使太行山东麓部分地区低层大气出现小幅升温,0℃层高 度抬升,致使从雪转为雨。多普勒天气雷达回波图上,0℃层亮带高度的迅速下降,可作为从 液态降水向固态降水转换的判据之一。天气学分析表明,当0℃层高度低于950hPa、地面气 温在0℃上下、1000hPa温度低于2℃、 925hPa温度低于-2℃时,降水性质将从雨向雨夹雪或 雪转变。
中文关键词: 寒潮  0℃层  天气雷达  亮带  降雨  降雪
Abstract:Based on the NCEP data (1°×1°) and conventional observation data, a utomatic meteorological observing station and Doppler radar data, the forecast o f the transformation between the rain and the snow as well as the cause of phase transformation in precipitation in one of strong cold waves happened during the early spring in Hebei Province is analyzed. As a result, the easterly wind brou ght by the Mongolia high and the Jiang Huai cyclones below 850hPa make the temp erature of the lower atmosphere decrease, when the height of the 0℃ atmospheric layer is lower than that of the 950hPa, the character of precipitation will cha nge from rain to snow. Also when the wind directions at both the high and low levels turn from northeast to north west along with the Jiang Huai cyclones moving into the sea and the temperature at the low level around the east of Taihang Mountain becomes rising slowly with the 0℃ atmospheric layer going upper, the snow will turn to be rainfall. According to the echo characteristics of Doppler radar , when the height of the 0℃ layer bright band decreases quickly, the snow will change into rainfall. While the temperature of the 1000 hPa layer goes down to 2 ℃ and the temperature of the 925 hPa layer goes down to -2℃, the precipitation will change from rain to snow.
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基金项目:项目资助: 中国气象局新技术推广预报员专项灾害天气国家重点实验室 开放课题,项目编号CMATG2007Y05
Li Jiangbo,Li Gene,Pei Yujie,Wang Fuxia,Wang Xinlong,Wen Jie,2009.Analysis on the Phase Transformation of Precipitation During a Strong Cold Wave Happened in Spring[J].Meteor Mon,35(7):87-94.