(新疆气候中心, 乌鲁木齐 830002)
Study on Predicting the Summer Precipitation in Northern Xinjiang with Previous Circulation Index
(Xinjiang Climate Center, Urumqi 830002)
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投稿时间:2008-03-08    修订日期:2008-09-28
中文摘要: 用1961—2007年新疆北部29站夏季(6—8月)降水资料,计算得到北疆夏季降水指数。以前 期的月环流指数为因子,考虑相关系数的不稳定性,用滑动相关法初选因子,采用两级逐步 回归的集合方案,尝试对北疆夏季降水指数进行预测。总样本数为47时,北疆夏季降水指数 的拟合(预测)序列与原始序列之间的相关系数为0.7248。另外建立了10种不同总样本 数的预测模型。经综合分析比较,以最终的统计集合预测效果最好,预测2008年北疆夏季降 水将偏少,降水指数为106.9。结果表明:(1)滑动相关—逐步回归—集合预测方法以 及在此基础上建立的统计集合预测模型具有一定的预测能力;(2)相关分析与时间序列分 析相结合的思路和方法,可在季节、月等不同时间尺度的短期气候预测业务中应用。
Abstract:Based on the summer (from June to August) precipitation data from 29 m eteorological stations distributed over Northern Xinjiang, the precipitation ind ex is calculated. Adopting assemble regression method constructed by two stepwis e regressions, including the initial factors constructed by sliding correlation method on account of the correlation coefficient stability, it is attempted to p redict the summer precipitation index along with the factors of the previous mon thly atmospheric circulation indexes. While the sample number is 47, the correla tion coefficient between the original data and the simulated data is as high as 0.7248. There are 10 prediction models to be set up with different sample size r espectively, and the independent test is analyzed. The summer precipitation is t o be lower in 2008, of which the index is 106.9. The results show that the stati stical predict model based on the integration of sliding correlation, stepwise r egression and assemble prediction has a certain prediction ability. The analys is method synthesizing regression and time series could be applied widely to sho rt term climatic prediction operation.
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基金项目:新疆气象局气象科技研究课题(200704)“气候预测统计模型中因子 的不稳定性分析以及集合预测方法研究”;中国气象局新技术推广项目(CMATG2007M26)“ 新疆夏季干旱早期预警技术及应用研究”联合资助
Mao Weiyi,2009.Study on Predicting the Summer Precipitation in Northern Xinjiang with Previous Circulation Index[J].Meteor Mon,35(6):82-89.