(1.宁夏气象防灾减灾重点实验室, 银川 750002;2.南京信息工程大学应用气象学院)
New Exploration of Land Surface Temperature Retrieved from MODIS Data in Ningxia
(1.Ningxia Key Lab for Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Reduction, Yinchuan 750002;2.School of Applied Meteorology, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology)
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投稿时间:2008-03-05    修订日期:2008-11-20
中文摘要: 为快速、宏观、全面地获取陆面生态重要参数陆面温度(LST),避免分裂窗算法 中诸多参数的估计和参数的适用范围限制,加快计算速度,更好地利用中国气象局“三站四 网”的建设成果,利用宁夏2005—2007年13个时次过境晴空地表MODIS资料及对应过境时17 个自动气象站观测数据,筛选、优化引入对LST影响较大的水汽通道、NDVI和EVI参数,建立 基于MODIS遥感和地面自动气象站观测数据反演陆面温度(LST)的统计模式。研究结果表明 :引入相关参数后,宁夏各季及全年模式的相关性和精度有较大提高,且水汽通道和EVI的 参数组合最优。与分裂窗算法相比,省去了对大气透过率的估算以及对地表比辐射率估计的 繁琐计算,与地面自动站观测真实值误差70.1%能够控制在4.0℃以内,计算速度快,能够满 足一般业务的需求,易于推广使用。
中文关键词: MODIS  陆面温度  EVI  反演
Abstract:In order to obtain the important land surface ecological parameter—land sur face temperature (LST) quickl y, macroscopically, and to avoid the more parameters estimation and the limitati on of the parameters applicability range of the split window algorithm, a stati stical model to retrieve LST was built up by using 13 clear air earth surface MO DIS data and 24 auto weather station data in 2005-2007. The new model can enhan ce the calculation speed and make more efficient use of the “three stations an d four nets” products built by China Meteorological Administration. The results indicate that after introducing the related parameters, the model relevance and accuracy were improved obviously, the combination of the water vapor channel of MODIS with the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) can obtain an optimal effect. Compared with the split window algorithm, the statistical model is simple and feasible. It does not need to estimate the atmospheric transmissivity and the land surface emissivity. Compar ed with the AWS data, the actual error in 70% retrieved LST is within 4.0℃.
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Zhang Xueyi,Zhang Xiaoyu,Wei Jianguo,Li Jianping,Han Yingjuan,2009.New Exploration of Land Surface Temperature Retrieved from MODIS Data in Ningxia [J].Meteor Mon,35(5):61-65.