(西藏自治区气象局气象台, 拉萨 850000)
Analysis of Spring Thunderstorm Process in Lhasa
(Tibet Meteorological Observatory, Lhasa 850000)
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投稿时间:2008-09-17    修订日期:2009-02-18
中文摘要: 利用拉萨多普勒天气雷达、闪电定位仪、欧洲中心500hPa分析场及常规观测等资料,对 2008年4月27—28日发生在拉萨的雷暴天气的环境条件和雷达回波特征进行了综合分析。结 果表明:这次雷暴过程是在乌拉尔山冷空气南下,加剧了高原低涡切变辐合上升运动的 发展,大气层结极不稳定的条件下产生的;雷达径向速度图和VAD 风廓线均显示出非常明显 的低层暖平流结构、低空急流及垂直风切变特征;γ中尺度气旋式涡旋扰动与环境垂直风 切变的相互作用, 导致雷暴云发展,回波顶增高,40dBz回波顶高伸展到7.0km左右;CAPE值、 垂直风切变、γ中尺度气旋性扰动以及低层暖平流对拉萨雷暴天气预警、预报具有指示 意义,给出了拉萨雷暴天气预报思路与着眼点。
Abstract:The weather environments and radar echo features of thunderstorm occu rred on April 27th and 28th 2008 in Lhasa are analyzed by using Doppler radar da ta, lightning data and ECMWF data and conventional meteorological data and so on . The result showed that this thunderstorm in Lhasa was engendered by the cold a ir which came southward from Ural and strengthened the development of the unstab le level and turbulence in Lhasa. Radial velocity map and VAD wind profiler both showed that there were obviously the low level warm advection structure, low le vel jet and vertical wind shears. The interaction between the γ mesoscale cycl on ic vortex disturbance and the environment vertical wind shears led to the develo pments of thunderstorm cloud and rising of echo top, of which the height of ech o of 40 dBz reached to 7 km. The value of CAPE, the γ mesoscale cyclonic vort ex disturbance, vertical wind shears and low level warm advection structure are good indices to the forecasting and warning of Lhasa th understorm. This paper gives the notion and the emphasis of the forecasting of t hunderstorm in Lhasa.
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He Xiaohong,Lin Zhiqiang,Luo Bujiancan,Tang Shuyi,Cirendeji,2009.Analysis of Spring Thunderstorm Process in Lhasa [J].Meteor Mon,35(5):55-60.