(1.国家气象中心, 北京 100081;2.河南省气象台;3.河南省焦作市气象局;4.武汉暴雨研究所)
The Analysis of Forecast Deviation of the Southwest Vortex Track and Numerical Simulation
(1.National Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081;2.Meteorological Observatory in Henan Province;3.Jiaozuo Meteological Office;4.Institute of Heavy Rain,CMA,Wuhan)
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投稿时间:2008-10-21    修订日期:2009-03-18
中文摘要: 2008年7月21—23日,在川东的西南涡移出后东北上。参考各数值模式对22—23日西南涡 路径预报后,河南省气象台于21日发布暴雨预报,出现了落区偏差。为加深对西南涡移动路 径机理的认识,利用常规和NCEP资料,从大气环流、热力、动力等方面对这次西南涡移动路 径特征进行探讨;对数值预报产品作天气学检验;利用WRF模式对本次过程进行模拟。结果 表明:(1)这次西南涡呈现南掉—东北上—东东北再东北上的曲折路径;(2)低涡结构显 示了中尺度特征,涡度轴向、K指数等对低涡的移动路径有指示意义;(3)由于过于依 赖数值预报,加之对东北南下冷空气影响考虑不足,是造成这次低涡路径预报偏差的主要原 因;(4)WRF模式对这次低涡路径有较好的预报能力。
Abstract:The southwest vortex (21-23 July, 2008) moved northeastward from east of Sich uan. Henan Meteorological Observatory published rainstorm forecast at 21st with reference to several numerical weather prediction (NWP) commonly used, and the f orecast showed regional deviation. For the further understanding on the mechanis m of the moving route of the southwest vortex, it is discussed in some aspects s uch as atmospheric circulation, thermal, dynamics based on the formal and NCEP d atasets. Synoptic test on numerical forecast products has been done, and the pro cess is simulated by WRF. The results show that: (1) the route of the southwest vortex changes sharply, firstly southward, then northeastward, and then eastward , finally northeastward. (2) The structure of the vortex is of mesoscale charact eristics. K index and axial direction of the vortex have instructions on the moving of the vortex. (3) The main reasons of the deviation are more rely on the NW P and less consideration to the influence of the cool air from northeast. (4) Th e forecast of the vortex’s route by WRF is better.
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基金项目:本文由中国气象局2009年气象新技术推广项目(CMATG2009YB01)“08年盛夏一次西南涡路 径预报偏差分析”资助
Wang Xinmin,Song Zifu,Zhang Xia,Yan Xiaoli,Lu Tan,Wang Minghuan,2009.The Analysis of Forecast Deviation of the Southwest Vortex Track and Numerical Simulation [J].Meteor Mon,35(5):18-25.