(1.中国气象科学研究院雷电物理和防护工程实验室,北京 100081;2.中国气象科学研究院灾害天气国家重点实验室)
Development of Lightning Nowcasting and Warning Method and System
(1.Laboratory of Lightning Physics and Protection Engineering, CAMS, Beijing 100081;2.State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sci ences)
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投稿时间:2008-08-25    修订日期:2008-12-21
中文摘要: 为满足高速发展的现代社会对雷电预警预报气象服务日益增加的需求,中国气象科学研 究院研发了雷电临近预警系统(CAMS-LNWS)。CAMS-LNWS采用了多资料、多参数和多 算法集 成的雷电临近预警方法,能够综合利用雷达、卫星、闪电监测系统、地面电场仪和探空仪等 的观测资料,参考天气形势预报产品和雷暴云起电、放电模式运行的结果,结合区域识别、 跟踪和外推算法与决策树算法,自动生成雷电活动潜势预报结果和雷电临近预警结果,并提 供多种形式的雷电临近预警产品,以满足不同的应用需求。该系统人机界面友好,参数接口 丰富,简单易用,有利于在各地区的推广应用。同时该系统采用了模块化的结构设计,具有 灵活的扩充性,便于今后对预警方法的不断升级和改进。
中文关键词: 雷电  临近预警  外推  组合预报
Abstract:To meet the increasing demand of lightning nowcasting and warning serv ices with the rapid development of modern society, Chinese Academy of Meteorolog ical Sciences developed a Lightning Nowcasting and Warning System (CAMS-LNWS) , which integrates multiple observation data, multiple parameters and mult iple algorithms. In the lightning nowcasting and warning method, many observation data such as radar, satellite, lightning monitoring sys tem, surface electrical field mi ll, sounding data, etc., are used. The forecasting products of synoptic situatio n and the numerical simulation of thunderstorm electrification and discharge mode l are also considered. Two basic algorithms are implemented: one is area identif ication, tracking and extrapolating algorithm, and the other is decision tree al gorithm. CAMS-LNWS can provide lightning activity potential prediction produc t and lightning nowcasting and warning products. The latter can be showed in severa l ways to meet various needs of different applications. It is easy to implement applications of CAMS-LNWS in different regions as a result of its friendly ma n machine interfaces and rich controls parameters. Additionally, CAMS-LNWS has m odular structure design with a flexible expansibility, which can provide convenient way for the continuous upgrading and improving of nowcasting and warning method in the future.
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基金项目:国家自然科学基金(40605004)和中国气象局气象新技术推广项目(C MATG2005M12)
Lu Weitao,Zhang Yijun,Meng Qing,Yao Wen,Ma Ying,Ma Ming,Zheng Dong,Wang Fei,2009.Development of Lightning Nowcasting and Warning Method and System[J].Meteor Mon,35(5):10-17.