(上海中心气象台, 200030)
Analysis on a Severe Convective Rainstorm Hitting Shanghai on 25 August 2008
(Shanghai Meteorological Center, 200030)
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投稿时间:2008-10-24    修订日期:2009-02-26
中文摘要: 利用常规天气资料以及非常规高密度观测资料、物理量场资料、云图资料以及PWV可降 水汽资料等,对2008年8月25日上海地区的强对流暴雨进行了分析。分析表明三支气流在长 江中下游及江南北部地区交汇有利于低涡的生成发展,为上海强对流天气的发生提供了有利 的天气背景条件;中低纬度系统相互作用为上海强对流暴雨天气提供了水汽、能量和触发条 件。在大暴雨开始前12~24小时,水汽、能量和中低层大的正涡度有向长江下游汇合的趋势 ,在上海附近逐渐形成强的位势不稳定。上升运动集中在1个经度左右非常窄的地区,是产 生特强降水原因之一。GPS/PWV探测可以及时了解大气水汽总量的变化,仅靠本地上空的水 汽全部落下是远远不够的,还需要大量的水汽辐合。对流云团合并,云核合并后强烈发展移 动缓慢同样是产生特强降水原因之一,在对流云团的后侧,对应温度梯度最大,是降水最强 的地方。
中文关键词: 低涡  强对流暴雨  综合分析
Abstract:Based on the conventional and non conventional observations, reanalysis data, P WV potential water vapor data, and satellite images, the convective rainstorm oc curried in Shanghai on 25th Aug, 2008 is analyzed. The results show that a sub synoptic vorte x is developed by three strengthening flows from South China, over sea and highe r latitude area, respectively, which can explain the convergence of moisture tra nsportation, the accumulation of high energy in previous 12-24 hours, and th e trigger of vertical velocity and energy release. A series of satellite picture show the merging of cloud clusters to induce a burst of precipitation. A nd the slow movement could partly explain the significant accumulation of rainfall in a short time. GPS/PW V images display the enriching process of moisture.
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基金项目:863课题2006aa12a107、中国气象局新技术推广项目CMATG2007M16和上 海气象局项目数值预报降水释用方法研究
Cao Xiaogang,Zhang Ji,Wang Hui,Chen Yonglin,2009.Analysis on a Severe Convective Rainstorm Hitting Shanghai on 25 August 2008[J].Meteor Mon,35(4):51-58.