(1.广州中心气象台,广州 510080;2.中山大学季风与环境研究中心/大气科学系)
Causality Analysis of the Infrequent Dragon Boat Precipitation in Guangdong Province in 2008
(1.Guangzhou Central Meteorological Observatory, Guangzhou 510080;2.Center for Monsoon and Environment Research/Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Sun Yatsen University)
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投稿时间:2008-12-16    修订日期:2009-02-10
中文摘要: 2008年5月下旬末至6月中旬,广东出现了历史罕见的持续时间长、范围大、强度强、灾害重 的暴雨到大暴雨降水过程,并有4个明显降水期。诊断分析发现:过程是在亚洲中纬 度两槽一弱脊,东槽明显的平均背景场产生的,副高较弱位置较东,南支槽活跃,每一强降 水期与一次西风槽的影响相联系,高空急流和低层切变线的南压过程配合一次强降水的发生 ;低空急流的最大风速变化与暴雨的发生同步,降水的减弱期伴随低空急流的向上抬升;过 程的水汽源于孟加拉湾和南海,而以前者为主,水汽的辐合主要发生在华南沿海;龙舟水期 间存在两个明显的局地经向环流,低层的两股气流在20~25°N区辐合抬升为持续性强龙舟 水的产生提供了稳定的上升运动背景;4个主降水期有3个是在层结不稳定的条件下出现暴 雨。
Abstract:Guangdong suffered the heaviest rainfall during late May to mid June 2008 (so c alled “dragon boat” precipitation), according to records since 1951. Result o f diagnostic analysis shows that in this case the circulation situations of the middle and high levels in Asia and Europe are two trough and one ridge circulation pattern and the western Pacific subtropical high is weaker t han normal and expands eastward. Four main heavy rain periods in this case are a ssociated with the influence of westerly trough and southward movement of low level shear line . The variance of low level jet has a close relationship with the occurrence of the rainstorm. The cold air moving down from the mid latitude areas and joinin g up against moist southerly from the Bay of Bengal and the South China Sea prod uces the vapor convergence at southern China coastal areas and the anomalous loc al meridional circulation, which causes the continuous heavy rainfall. Three of four heavy rainfall periods are associated with the instable stratification.
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基金项目:广东省应急管理研究课题(广东省气象灾害特征与应急管理工作机制 研究)和广州市科技局项目(亚运会气象预报服务系统研究)共同资助
Lin Liangxun,Wu Naigeng,Huang Zhong,Cai Anan,2009.Causality Analysis of the Infrequent Dragon Boat Precipitation in Guangdong Province in 2008[J].Meteor Mon,35(4):43-50.