(1.南京大学大气科学系, 南京 210093;2.辽宁省营口市气象局)
Analysis on the Tornado Weather Process Induced by a Super cell
(1.Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, 210093;2.Yingkou Meteorological Office, Liaoning Province)
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投稿时间:2008-10-25    修订日期:2008-12-17
中文摘要: 利用营口市多普勒天气雷达资料,对2005年8月10日16时10—20分左右营口市东南部六个 乡出现的龙卷天气过程进行了简要分析,该龙卷发生前的主要天气形势是:一个东移的东北 低涡引导高空槽,沿高空等高线冷干气流与低空的暖湿气流产生对流不稳定层结,超低空南 支急流与低空西南风急流以及高空西北风产生的较大垂直风切变,有利于龙卷天气的产生。 产生该龙卷的对流系统是由渤海湾生成的片状层状云和积状云混合降水回波,自东向偏北方 向移动, 15:50以后低层反射率因子的强降水回波移入大连北部与营口南部临近区域,在层 状云降水中含有一些零散的和有组织的对流降水回波,主体为一个近似团状的对流系统,而 龙卷产生自该系统南端的一个超级单体。最初的中气旋形成于8月10日15:56,相应对流单体 的反射率因子还没有呈现出超级单体的特征,随后中气旋迅速发展加强,在16:02—16:08 反 射率因子形态呈现出经典超级单体的特征:明显的低层入流缺口,入流缺口位于超级单体移 动方向(偏东南方向)的右侧,低层的弱回波区和中高层的回波悬垂结构,最大反射率因子超 过56 dBz。在龙卷产生前几分钟和龙卷进行过程中,中气旋保持较强,而后迅速减弱 ,低层入流缺口渐渐消失。在龙卷进行过程中,相应45 dBz超级单体的反射率因子区局限在 6 km 以下,此系统为低质心的对流系统,产生的天气是龙卷,伴随有大风短时强降水,与 冰雹的高质心对流系统有明显区别。同时也初步探讨了引发此次龙卷的生成机制。
Abstract:Using the Yingkou Doppler weather radar data, a preliminary analysis is made on the tornado process which occurred in the six townships of Yingkou Sou theast at about 16:00 on 10 August 2005. the main weather situation is a trough at hight altitude led by a northeast vor tex. The dry and cold air along the contour line and the wet and warm air produc ed stratification with covective instability. The south branch of jet and the so uthwest jet at low altitude as well as the northwest wind at high altitude gener ated a strong vertical wind shear, which is favorable for the generation of torn ado weather. This super cell is a low centroid convective system, of which the r eflectivity of radar echo is above 45 dBz. The severe tornado is accompanied wit h heavy rain, but without hail. The analysis indicates that this tornado is main ly a meso cyclone displayed on the velocity map. This case illustrates that the China new generation Doppler weather radar has the capability to detect tornado es.
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基金项目:国家自然科学基金40575014 “基于多普勒天气雷达观测的中国超级单体风暴研 究”。
Jin Wei,Qu Yan,An Laiyou,2009.Analysis on the Tornado Weather Process Induced by a Super cell[J].Meteor Mon,35(3):36-41.