(1.上海中心气象台, 200030;2.南京大学大气科学系, 中尺度灾害性天气教育部重点实验室;3.上海市防雷中心)
Case Analysis of a Severe Pulse Thunderstorm Triggered in the Outflow of the Previous Thunderstorms
(1.Shanghai Meteorological Center, 200030;2.Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Key Laboratory of Mesoscale Severe Weather of the Ministry of Education, Nanjing University;3.Shanghai Lightning Protection Center)
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投稿时间:2008-07-08    修订日期:2009-01-07
中文摘要: 利用常规天气资料、多普勒天气雷达产品、SAFIR3000总闪电定位资料、加密探空资料和自 动气象站资料,对2007年8月3日造成上海嘉定F1国际赛车场6号弯D2 D5号4个临时看台被吹 翻的一次强对流天气过程进行了分析。结果表明:坡度较大的低压槽、较高 的对流不稳定能量和较弱的垂直风切变条件下,地面风场辐合、海陆风锋和雷暴冷出流等的 相互作用,导致了上海地区出现了多个强局地脉冲雷暴;F1国际赛车场致灾脉冲雷暴发生在 前期雷暴的冷出流中,冷出流锋区与原边界层辐合线的碰撞是其触发的动力机制,较高的不 稳定能量、充足的水汽和中低空的辐合上升导致该风暴强烈发展,造成了F1赛车场出现了13 级大风和短时强降水;雷暴过程的总闪电活动分析表明:闪电活动的突然增强预示了该雷暴 的爆发并开始进入减弱阶段。
Abstract:Using the conventional weather data, WSR 88D Doppler weather radar dat a, SAFIR 3000 total lightning data, intensified sounding and automatic surface w eather observations, a severe pulse thunderstorm which caused four grandstands d estroyed and one blew away about 20 meters in the Shanghai F1 Circuit on August 3, 2007 is analyzed. The case analysis shows the interaction of boundary layer c onvergence lines, sea breezing front, and the cold outflow of previousthunderstorms triggered the initiation of some pulse storms in local area. The p ulse storm which caused the wind disaster in F1 Circuit was triggered by the col lision between the cold outflow of previous thunderstorms and the earlier bounda ry layer convergence lines. Due to the high atmospheric instability energy, suff icient ambient moisture, and convergence in the low and middle levels, the pulse storm intensified significantly in the cool pool of the previous thunderstorms and resulted in a damaging wind gust of 40.6 m/s and heavy rainfall in F1 Circui t. Furthermore, the sudden increase of total lightning flash rate of the storm i ndicated the eruption of the storm with a strong downdraft and the beginning of its declining phase.
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基金项目:中国气象局2006年气象新技术推广面上项目CMATG2006M16、中国气象局2007年多轨道业务 建设项目“上海雷电预警预报业务系统的建立”课题和世博项目(国家科技部2005BA908B15 和上海市科委项目05dz05815)共同资助
Tao Lan,Dai Jianhua,Chen Lei,Wang Qiang,Gu Yudan,2009.Case Analysis of a Severe Pulse Thunderstorm Triggered in the Outflow of the Previous Thunderstorms [J].Meteor Mon,35(3):29-35.