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投稿时间:2008-05-15 修订日期:2008-10-15
投稿时间:2008-05-15 修订日期:2008-10-15
中文摘要: 应用常规高空资料、FY 2C卫星红外和水汽图像、加密自动站地面观测资料,结合新一代多普勒雷达探测资料,综合分析了2008年2月28日夜间至29日凌晨发生在云南的“雷打雪”罕见天气现象。结果表明:南支槽和冷空气、西南低空急流的共同影响,是其发生的有利天气背景,其中强对流天气就发生在急流与锋面相互作用的湿度锋湿区内斜压不稳定的环境中。
中 γ尺度对流云团生成并逐渐增强为中 β尺度对流云团是形成此次复杂对流天气的直接
Abstract:Conventional observing data, FY 2C satellite infrared and vapor pictures, auto
station intensive surface observing data and new generation Doppler radar dete
ction data were used to analyze an unusual “thunderstorm snow” weather event w
hich happened from February 28 night
to February 29 morning in 2008. The result indicated that the interact
ion of southern trough, cold air and south west lower jet was the beneficial sy
noptic background. The strong convection weather just happened in the baroclinic
instability environment of humidity front with the interaction between jet and
cold front. The meso γ scale convective cloud grew and gradually strengthened
to meso β scale convective cloud which was the primary meso scale synoptic
and triggered this complex convective weather event. From the Doppler radar ech
o picture we could see that the band echo with the shape of “人” and “hail sp
ike” hook echo with the echo intensity of 25~33dBz, and gust front can also be
detected from the PPI screen. And from the VPPI screen, anti wind area, lower
evel’s zero isotherm “S” warm advection and “bull′s eye” structure can als
o be detected, which were classical features of meso scale convective system′s
changing from weakness to strength during the period of rainfall evolving to ha
il and snow in the “thunderstorm snow” weather. The fast evolving characters o
f hourly surface temperature, pressure, relative humidity and wind showed the va
lue of temperature, pressure and humidity increased before the thundersto
rm happened, and the value of temperature and pressure got to maximum, and the p
ressure curve appeared to dome shaped meso scale thunderstorm high pressure f
eature. And any other else, the evolving of wind showed the wind rotated
anti clockwise, and the northern wind velocity increased and the peak value app
eared. When the thunderstorm passed, the meteorological factors showed th
e temperature decrensing, and the humidity increasing, and the dew poin
t temperature got to peak value.
keywords: “thunderstorm snow” southwest jet meso scale synoptic system Doppler radar
features auto station meteorological factors meso scale features
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
业务系统建设子项目“ 冰雹天气诊断识别研究”(编号2012209)资助
Guo Rongfen,Lu Yabin,Gao Ansheng,Li Lei,2009.Analysis on Mesoscale Characteristic of Rare Thunderstorm Snow Weather in Low Latitude Plateau[J].Meteor Mon,35(2):49-56.
Guo Rongfen,Lu Yabin,Gao Ansheng,Li Lei,2009.Analysis on Mesoscale Characteristic of Rare Thunderstorm Snow Weather in Low Latitude Plateau[J].Meteor Mon,35(2):49-56.