(沈阳中心气象台, 110016)
Observation Analysis on a Torrential Rain Event in Liaoning Province Trigged b y a Meso scale Jet
(Shenyang Central Meteorological Observatory, 110016)
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投稿时间:2008-10-17    修订日期:2008-12-10
中文摘要: 应用地面加密自动气象站、常规探空、卫星及多普勒雷达探测资料对2008年7月31日夜间发 生在辽宁省的一次大暴雨过程中的急流特征进行了分析。分析结果显示,在超低空环流场中 同时存在着大尺度偏南急流和中尺度西南急流。在中尺度西南急流左侧生成的西南—东北向 的中 β尺度云团列直接引发了大暴雨。进一步分析表明,超低空中尺度西南急流与高空 急流方向相近且风速相当,形成了二次切变型的空间垂直分布,在其左侧激发了涡旋Rossby 重力波的不稳定发展,从而生成中 β尺度云团列。
Abstract:Based on the data of AWS, radiosonde observations, satellite and Doppler Radar D ata, an analysis on the jets in a torrential rain event in Liaoning Province on July 31, 2008 was conducted. The results show that, a large scale southerly jet and a meso scale southwesterly jet preexisted in the boundary layer backgr ound and in the left side of latter a southwest northeast meso β cloud cluste r band caused the heavy precipitation directly. The further analysis indicates tha t the meso scale boundary layer southwesterly jet was near to the high level je t in direction and speed. The bi shear pattern wind field trigged the unstable d e velopment of vortex Rossby gravity wave in the left side of the boundary jet. It gave birth to the meso β cloud cluster band.
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基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973:2004CB418301), 国家自然科 学基金(批准号:40333025),中国气象局预报员专项“低空急流对辽宁两次大暴雨的触发 作用研究” 和辽宁省气象正研培养基金。[
Chen Yanqiu,Yuan Zipeng,Huang Ge,Cui Shengquan,2009.Observation Analysis on a Torrential Rain Event in Liaoning Province Trigged b y a Meso scale Jet [J].Meteor Mon,35(2):41-48.