(1.国家气象中心,北京 100081;2.北京大学)
Study on the Predictability of the Recurvature of Typhoon Matsa (0509) in Bohai
(1.National Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081;2.Peking University)
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投稿时间:2008-10-10    修订日期:2008-12-11
中文摘要: 利用MM5模式研究了2005年第9号台风“麦莎”在渤海向东北转向路径的可预报性。试验用不 同的积云参数化方案、不同的预报时效分别从确定性和集合预报角度对“麦莎”在渤海向东 北方向的转向过程做了模拟。结果表明,“麦莎”在渤海的转向可预报时效为48小时左右。 不同的积云参数化方案对台风麦莎路径的48小时预报结果显示台风均转向东北,预示“麦莎 ”基本不会直接影响北京。60和72小时的预报结果显示,Kuo和Betts-Miller积云参数化方 案的台风模拟路径与实况比较接近,而Grell和KeinFritch积云参数化方案的台风模拟路径 却偏向了实际台风位置的西北,台风有可能直接影响北京。研究表明,对于台风麦莎而言, 时效超过两天的转向预报可信度较低,Kuo和Betts-Miller积云参数化方案的预报准确性较 高。
中文关键词: 台风麦莎  路径  集合预报  可预报性
Abstract:MM5 through using various cumulus parameterization schemes and various leading times from both deterministic and ensemble forecast points of view. The results show that the simulated tracks with 48h leading tim e at 1200 UTC on 7 Aug. 2005 with various cumulus parameterization schemes all t urn to the northeast and consequently will not have a direct impact on Beijing. When the leading time extends to 60 and 72 hours, the simulated tracks with the predictability of the recurvature of typhoon Matsa (0509) in Bohai on August 9, 2005 was examined with Kuo and Betts Miller cumulus parameterization schemes ar e still close to the observations, while the simulated storms with Grell and Kain Fritch schemes deviate to the n orthwest of the real track and thus may affect Beijing directly. The better per formance of Kuo and Betts Miller schemes in predicting the sudden turning of Ma tsa in Bohai is also confirmed in the ensemble forecast. An uncertainty of forec ast with Kuo and Betts Miller cumulus parameterization schemes was observed to be smaller than that with Grell and KainFritch schemes. The predictability of Ma tsa sudden turning to the northeast at Bohai could be around 2 days.
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Gao Shuanzhu,Meng Zhiyong,Yang Guiming,2009.Study on the Predictability of the Recurvature of Typhoon Matsa (0509) in Bohai[J].Meteor Mon,35(2):8-14.