Effect of Aerosol on Orographic Precipitation in Qinling Mountains
(Meteorological Institute of Shaanxi Province, Xi’an 710014)
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投稿时间:2008-05-28    修订日期:2008-09-28
中文摘要: 以华山站为影响站,其周围华阴、渭南、西安为对比站,通过对影响站与对比站降水之比— 地形强化因子(Ro)的变化趋势以及Ro与能见度变化关系的分析,研究了气溶胶对秦岭地形云降水的影响。结果表明:有观测以来Ro逐年递减,1980年后Ro递减更快,减幅达20%;Ro的减小趋势与能见度递减、气溶胶递增相吻合,说明气溶胶的增加抑制了地形云降水;华山1980年后的年平均雨量比1980年前减少了15%,达132mm,而平原地区的减少量不超过3%(16mm)。分析气溶胶抑制地形云降水的物理过程发现,Ro的递减主要是减少了中
Abstract:Based on the dataset of observations of precipitation and visibility r ange since 1954 at the top of Mountain Hua, the ratio between the precipitation at Mt. Hua and at the nearby plain stations, which is defined as the orographic enhancement factor Ro, and the relationship between Ro and visibility, were appl ied to quantitatively learn the ways that air pollution aerosols suppress orogra phic precipitation. Ro decreased gradually during the measurement period, and mo st of the decrease occurred after 1980, about 20%, matched with the decreasing v isibility and increasing aerosol, which indicates that enhanced pollution aero sols suppress the orographic precipitation. The decrement of average annual precip itation at Mt. Hua after 1980 was 132mm, 15%, compared with that before 1980, a nd while the decrease was about 16mm, 3%, at the plain stations. The decrease in Ro is mainly caused by days of the light and moderate rain (daily precipitati on of less than 30 mm), but not by days with more than 30 mm, which suggested th at the thin short living orographic clouds are much more susceptible to precipit ation suppression by air pollution aerosols. Under dynamical uplift, the suppres sion of aerosol to clouds on the mountain top is stronger than that to clouds at plains, and causes 20%-30% decrease of precipitation at Mt. Hua from 1980 to 20 04. On the contrary, for the thermo-dynamically driven clouds, the suppression o f aerosol is equivalent to clouds on the mountain top and at plains.
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Xu Xiaohong,Yu Xing,Dai Jin,2009.Effect of Aerosol on Orographic Precipitation in Qinling Mountains[J].Meteor Mon,35(1):37-47.