(国家气候中心, 北京 100081)
Development and Application of National Prediction System for Extreme High Temperature
(National Climate Center, CMA, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2008-02-28    修订日期:2008-08-25
中文摘要: 目前,国家级旬、月极端高温预测的业务工作尚未展开,国家级极端高温短期气 候预测系统的研制为中国高温预测业务提供了一个有效平台。该系统以百分位相对阈值和35 °C、38°C绝对阈值作为高温阈值指标,应用月动力预测模式、动力预测与统计降尺度相结 合、物理统计相似三种不同的方法,预测未来1~40天的旬、月极端高温发生概率及高温日 数 ,定期滚动发布预测产品。并以相关系数为衡量指标,应用交叉检验方法对三种方法的预测 效果进行分析,结果表明不同方法高相关区的空间分布存在差异,在进行高温预测时,应综 合各方法高相关区的预测结果给出综合预测意见。对2007年7月极端高温预测个例分析表明 三种方法均有一定的预测技巧。
Abstract:At present, national prediction system for dekad and monthly extreme h igh temperature has not been undertaken. Here, a national forecast system for ex treme high temperature was developed. It is a powerful platform that regularly i ssued three kinds of predicting products at website with three methods of dynami cal monthly forecast model, statistical downscaling and physical analogue using percentile values at 90%, 95% and 99% as relative thresholds and 35℃or 38℃ as absolute thresholds. The products consist of probability prediction, the numb er of day exceeding 35℃ or 38℃ involving 7 periods: 1-10 day, 11-20 d ay, 21-30 day, 1-30 day, 6-35 day and 31-40 day. The spatial distribution of correlatio n coefficient between hindcast and observation shows that high value areas are d ifferent among these methods. So it is hard to say which method is better than o thers. Thus three predicted results should be considered as well as distribution of correlation coefficient before final extreme high temperature prediction. Th e predictions by these methods for July, 2007 were generally close to the observ ation. But the result by statistical downscaling method is better, and that by D ERF is worse relatively.
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Liu Lüliu,Sun Linhai,Liao Yaoming,Zhu Yanfeng,Zou Xukai,Wang Youmin,Yan Jinghui,2008.Development and Application of National Prediction System for Extreme High Temperature[J].Meteor Mon,34(10):102-107.