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(陕西省专业气象台,西安 710014)
Analysis on Continuous Rainfall in Early Summer of Shaanxi Province Through Evolution of Anticyclone
(Shaanxi Specialized Meteorological Observatory, Xi'an 710014)
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投稿时间:2007-11-02    修订日期:2008-01-26
中文摘要: 连阴雨是一种重大天气,特别在“三夏”中出现时。初夏(6月)连阴雨在陕西历史上并不 多见,大约3~4年发生一次,且多在关中、陕南出现,陕北黄土高原出现的概率极小。2007 年6月,陕西出现了一次长达7天的连阴雨天气。应用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对这次连阴雨 天气过程进行了研究,得出:这是一次反气旋环流的生成—维持—消亡过程,陕西位于此反 气旋的底部,偏东(南)气流为连阴雨持续提供了良好的水汽;整个过程都有垂直上升运动 ;稳定持久的蒙古低槽和高原低槽是造成陕西连阴雨的主要天气系统;高原低槽前部
中文关键词: 连阴雨  环流形势  天气系统  反气旋
Abstract:As a major weather case, few continuous rainfall process happens in early summer (in June) in history of Shaanxi Province. The probability of continuous rainfa ll occurrences is much higher in the region of Guanzhong and southern Shaanxi Pr ovince about every three or four years than that is in the region of Shanbei Lo ess Plateau. In June, 2007, an abnormal continuous rainfall process occurred in the whole region of Shaanxi Province, which lasted for seven days. Based on the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, this continuous rainfall process was studied. The res ult showed that this was a process of occurrence, maintaining and disappearance of anticyclone circulation. In this process, Shaanxi Province was at the bottom of this anticyclone, and the east (southeast) wind provided favorable moisture f or the continuous rainfall maintaining. Vertical as cending motion happened throughout the whole process. The main synoptic systems were steady Mongolian trough and Qinghai Tibet Plateau trough which caused the continuous rainfall.The south wind in the front of Qinghai Tibet Plateau trough and north wind in the front of Mongolian trough converged on the Hetao Area, wh ich located in the north of 35°N.That was the main reason for the occurrence of the continuous rainfall in Shanbei drought region. Before the process of this c ontinuous rainfall, the establishment of “double blocking high" in East Asian w as the strong signal for the rainy period of Shaanxi Province.
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He Hao,Liu Yu,Huang Baoxia,2008.Analysis on Continuous Rainfall in Early Summer of Shaanxi Province Through Evolution of Anticyclone [J].Meteor Mon,34(5):58-63.