(1.四川省气象台,成都 610072;2.成都高原气象研究所;3.四川省德阳市气象局)
Mesoscale Characteristics Analysis of Severe Torrential Rain Caused by a Southwestern Low Vortex Process
(1.Sichuan Provincial Meteorological Observatory, 610072;2.Chengdu Institute of Plateau Meteorology;3.Deyang Meteorological Office,Sichuan Province)
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投稿时间:2007-12-11    修订日期:2008-02-21
中文摘要: 针对西南低涡诱发的2007年7月9日川南特大暴雨个例,采用Barnes带通滤波和非平衡动力强 迫的中尺度特征分析方法,对特大暴雨过程中西南低涡内的中尺度系统活动特征进行分析。 结果得出:特大暴雨过程中西南低涡内存在着一个向西南倾斜的、深厚的中 β尺度 低涡,具有低层辐合、高层辐散的暴雨典型垂直结构。在特大暴雨天气过程中对流层中低层 中尺度辐合和高层中尺度辐散呈现出一种先逐渐加强然后逐渐减弱的演变规律,并且特大暴 雨区逐渐向中尺度低涡中心靠近。在特大暴雨发生的初始阶段,西南低涡内的大气运动已处 于较强的非平衡状态,且越临近特大暴雨发生,低层U<0的非平衡性越强,促进了西南 低 涡内中 β尺度低涡的发展,而在特大暴雨最强时刻,大气运动即由U<0的非平衡 态转为U≈0的准平衡态。
Abstract:By using Barnes band pass filter and meso scale characteristic analysis method of unbalance dynamical forcing, the activity features of a Southwestern Vortex (SWV) producing severe torrential rain on 9 Sept. 2007 in Sichuan were discussed . The case study not only enables us to know that in SWV there might be a deep m id β scale vortex with its axes westerly declining but also shows that S WV had a typical vertical structure of heavy rain, namely, it has strong converg ence in the lower level and divergence in the upper, and this kind of structure enhanced till to its top stage before wearing off. During this period, the rain area tended to approach to the center of SWV. In the point of air unbalance and at the early stage of this heavy rain process, the air had been in relatively unbalanced state. This unbalance in lower level became strong er and stronger as time goes, which was favorable for development of the mid  β vortex. While heavy rain was at its largest stage, the air had changed from unbalanced state (U<0) into quasi balanced state, U≈0.
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基金项目:国家气象中心科研开发课题“2007年极端暴雨个例分析研究”ZK2007 1402资助
Gu Qingyuan,Zhou Chunhua,Qing Quan,Zhang Ju,2008.Mesoscale Characteristics Analysis of Severe Torrential Rain Caused by a Southwestern Low Vortex Process[J].Meteor Mon,34(4):39-47.