(1.中国气象科学研究院 中国气象局大气成分观测与服务中心 中国气象局大气化学 重点开放实验室,北京100081;2.中国气象局监测网络司)
Evaluation of Results of Station Inter comparison with Blind Samples in Acid Rain Monitoring Network in China
(1.Key laboratory of Atmospheric chemistry, Chinese Academy of Meteorological s ciences, Beijing 100081;2.Department of Observation and Communication, CMA)
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投稿时间:2007-05-10    修订日期:2007-08-10
中文摘要: 应用客观统计方法,整理分析了1992年以来全国酸雨观测站网的11次pH未知水样 和2次电导率未知水样的考核结果。分析显示,采用稀释和pH调制的标准缓冲溶液作为pH未 知水样,其测量偏差随pH标准值的变化不显著,历年的测量标准差均小于0.2pH单位。pH未 知水样测量偏差的波动状况指示出观测台站仪器和人员的技术状态变化,对仪器更新、人员 培训以及新业务规范的执行等业务建设和质量管理活动有显著的正面响应。对pH未知水样测 量偏差的统计还显示,2001年后pH平均测量偏差出现负偏态分布特征,该特征在总体偏差较 大时尤为明显,说明部分技术状态不良的台站往往容易出现较大的系统性负偏差。根据考核 结果,按照世界气象组织(WMO)推荐的方法,计算除1992年外各次考核的pH值测量的修正 绝对中值偏差为0.03~0.10pH单位,1992年和2006年电导率测量的修正绝对中值偏差为4%~ 5%。修正绝对中值偏差的逐年波动情况反映了全国酸雨观测网pH测量的总体偏差也明显地受 台站技术状态波动的影响。
中文关键词: 酸雨  观测  质量  未知样品  总体偏差
Abstract:The results of inter station comparison of 7 pH measurements and two conductanc e measurements of blind samples from the Acid Rain Monitoring Network of China M eteorologicalAdministration (ARMN/CMA) since 1992 are presented. The diluted and pH modulat ed buffer solution was used as blind samples to prevent the changes during the t ransportation. The standard deviations of reported pH values were below 0.2 pH u nits, and its correlation with pH value of the sample was not significant. Stati stics showed the significant improvements of the error level of pH measurement o f blind samples corresponding to the system upgrading/quality control activities , such as the instrument renewal, personal training, and the enforcement of new technical regulation. Statistics also showed that bias of pH measurement of smal l part of stations with poor technical condition was featured with a relatively large negative value. To evaluate overall precision for both pH and cond uctance measurements of ARMN /CMA, Modified Median Absolute Difference (M.MAD) were cal culated according to the WMO recommended method. The M.MAD of pH measurement was in a range of 0.03~0.10 pH units, and that of conductance in 4%~5%.
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基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2005CB422202)和中国气象局大气成 分观测与服务中心成果转化项目《中国区域酸雨形势分析及评估》共同资助
Tang Jie,Cheng Hongbing,Yu Xiaolan,Wang Shufeng,Yao Ping,Lv Bo,Xu Xiaobin,Ding Guoan,2007.Evaluation of Results of Station Inter comparison with Blind Samples in Acid Rain Monitoring Network in China[J].Meteor Mon,33(12):75-82.