(1.北京大学物理学院,北京 100871;2.国家气候中心)
The Realtime Operational System of Monitoring and Diagnostics on the Northern Hemisphere Blocking High
(1.Physics School, Peking University, 100871;2.National Climate Center)
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投稿时间:2006-12-05    修订日期:2007-02-25
中文摘要: 利用国家气象信息中心实时气象数据库的逐日500hPa高度场资料,确定了适合业务使用的北 半球及关键区阻塞高压监测诊断方法。通过建立阻塞高压指数实现了对北半球中高纬地区任 意经度上的阻塞形势的实时监测,同时在鄂霍次克海、贝加尔湖和乌拉尔山这三个对我国夏 季降水有较大影响的地区选取关键区进行阻高实时监测。此外,还通过对北半球逐日和5天 滑动平均500hPa环流场的监测,从而初步建立了北半球阻塞高压实时监测诊断业务系统。通 过对2006年阻塞高压实时监测产品的诊断分析表明,监测到的北半球阻塞高压的出现位置和 强
中文关键词: 阻塞高压  监测  诊断  业务系统
Abstract:Based on the daily 500 hPa geopotential height from real time database of National Meteorogical Information Center, the Northern Hemisphere and key re gions blocking high monitoring and diagnostics technique which fits for operatio n was selected. Using the blocking high index, real time blocking high monitori ng over each longitude at the mid high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere was achieved. Key regions in Okhotsk, Baika and Ural, which can affect on summer pre cipitations in China, were selected for blocking high monitoring. Meanwhile, dai ly and 5 days running mean general circulation patterns of 500 hPa in the North ern Hemisphere were both monitored. Thus, the real time operational system of m oni toring and diagnostics for the Northern Hemisphere blocking high was set up. Thr ough the analysis of blocking high monitoring products of 2006, the monitoring r esults accorded with the fact, including the blocking intense and location. These products were helpful for summer precipitation prediction of China.
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Li Wei,Wang Qiyi,Wang Xiaoling,2007.The Realtime Operational System of Monitoring and Diagnostics on the Northern Hemisphere Blocking High[J].Meteor Mon,33(4):77-81.