(1.西藏自治区气候中心,拉萨 850000;2.西藏自治区生态与农业气象中心;3.西藏自治区气象台)
Analysis of Anomalous First/Last Frost over Middle Reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River in Tibet from 1961 to 2000
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投稿时间:2006-04-11    修订日期:2006-05-09
中文摘要: 以≤0℃最低气温作为霜冻指标,利用雅鲁藏布江中游4个气象站点1961—2000年的逐日最低气温资料,采用现代气候诊断分析方法,分析了该流域近40年初、终霜冻异常的气候变化。结果表明:近40年,流域东段表现为初霜来得迟、终霜结束得早、无霜期延长的显著趋势;江孜则表现为终霜日推迟、无霜期缩短的不显著趋势。20世纪70、90年代终霜日提早结束、初霜日推迟来临,使得流域东段生长季延长,以90年代最为明显;流域西段的江孜,终霜日则表现为逐年代推迟的趋势。流域特早初霜日频数为2~3次,以泽当最多;特晚终霜日发生频数为1~4次,江孜最多。流域内只有泽当初、终霜日发生了气候突变。
Abstract:According to the frost index defined by the minimum air temperature ≤0℃, based on the method of modern times climate diagnosis, the climatic change of the anomalous first and last date of frost are analyzed with 4 meteorological stations′ data of daily minimum temperature over the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River in Tibet from 1961 to 2000. The results show that the first frost appeared late, while the last frost ended early, so that the frostless period was extended significantly in the eastern part of Yarlung Zangbo River basin in the past 40 years, but the tendency in Gyantse was on the contrary. In 1970s and 1990s, because the first frost appeared late and the last frost ended early made the growth season in the eastern part of Brahmaputra basin prolong, especially in 1990s. On the other hand, ending frost date in Gyantse presented prolonged tendency per decade in the west of Yarlung Zangbo River basin. In addition, it is found that the frequency of exceptional first frost date was 2 or 3 times, especially it was the most in Tesdang, meanwhile the frequency of anomalous ending frost date was 1 or 4 times, it was the most in Gyantse. The abrupt change of the first date and the ending date of frost only occurred in Tesdang.
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Author NameAffiliation
,2006.Analysis of Anomalous First/Last Frost over Middle Reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River in Tibet from 1961 to 2000[J].Meteor Mon,32(9):74-89.