(国家气候中心,气候系统研究开放实验室,北京 100081)
Characteristics of Weather and Climate and Main Meteorological Disasters in China in 2005
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中文摘要: 2005年,我国年平均气温较常年偏高,降水量较常年偏多。年内没有出现大范围、长时间的严重干旱,旱情较常年轻;但华南南部出现严重的秋冬春连旱,云南发生近50多年来少见的严重春旱,西北东北部以及内蒙古等地发生夏秋连旱,江南西部、华南西部一度秋旱明显。汛期,暴雨洪涝灾害较常年偏重,西江、闽江、淮河流域及湖北、湖南、四川、辽宁等地发生严重暴雨洪涝灾害,渭河、汉江流域秋季出现特大洪水。年内有8个台风和热带风暴登陆我国,台风强度大、影响范围广、灾情重,台风灾害损失为1997年以来最严重。大风冰雹、龙卷风、雷击等强对流天气频繁,局地灾害损失较严重,总体灾害较常年重,但比上年轻。另外,年初南方部分地区发生严重低温冻害和雪灾,年末山东等地出现严重雪灾。全国春季平均沙尘日数为近50年来同期最少。
Abstract:The annual mean temperature was higher than normal, and the annual mean precipitation was more than normal during 2005. There was no extensive, long-time serious drought, the drought was lighter than normal, except that autumn-winter-spring continuous drought in the southern South China, most serious spring drought in recent 50 years in Yunnan, summer-autumn continuous drought in the northeastern Northwest China and Inner-Mongolia, and autumn significant drought in Jiangxi and the western South China. Rainstorm and flood disasters were more serious than normal year in flood season, e.g. the Xijiang River, the Minjiang River and the Huaihe River watershed and Hubei, Sichuan, Liaoning provinces, serious autumn flood occurred in Weihe River and Hanjiang River watershed. 8 typhoons (including tropical storm) landed on China in 2005, with the characteristics of high intensity, extensity and heavy losses, and it was the second most serious year in losses by typhoon since 1995, only less than that in 1996. Gale and hailstorm, cyclone and thunderstorm, with the serious losses, also frequently occurred in parts of China, by which caused losses were heavier than normal, but lighter than last year. In addition, low temperature chilling and snowstorm occurred in South China at the beginning of the year, and heavy snowstorm hit Shandong Province at the end of the year. The number of spring sand-dust day was the least in recent 50 years.
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Author NameAffiliation
,2006.Characteristics of Weather and Climate and Main Meteorological Disasters in China in 2005[J].Meteor Mon,32(4):78-83.