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中文摘要: 论述了作物需水量的概念及其计算方法,利用最新的气候和作物资料,计算了我国春玉米的作物需水量,分析其时空分布特征,并利用水分订正系数来评价春玉米需水量的满足程度。计算分析结果表明,气候条件对我国春玉米生产是有利的,但在播种期、出苗期及拔节期(4~6月份) ,存在明显的水分亏缺现象,这一时期应采取相应的栽培技术及节水灌溉、人工增雨等措施来缓解旱情。
中文关键词: 春玉米,水分供需,分布特征
Abstract:The concept of crop water requirements is discussed,based on which the calculation method of crop water requirements is established.Using the newest crop and meteorological data,the water requirement of spring crops in China is calculated,and its distributoin is discussed.The satisfied degree of water demands for spring corn is evaluated by using water correction factor.The results indicate that the climate is suitable to the production of spring corn,except in April,May and June,which is the time of planting,emergence and jointing for spring corn.Some measures such as relevant planting technology,saving irrigation and manual rainfall should be taken to alleviate the drought.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,2002.Analysis of Water Supply and Demand for Spring Corn in China[J].Meteor Mon,28(2):29-33.
,2002.Analysis of Water Supply and Demand for Spring Corn in China[J].Meteor Mon,28(2):29-33.