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中文摘要: 卫星遥感技术和其他非常规观测技术的发展和成熟,提供了大量的非实时、非完全、准连续的观测资料。与其他非常规观测资料相比,卫星观测资料具有水平分辨率高,观测面广阔,测量误差易于掌握等优点。分析和总结了目前卫星观测资料在数值天气预报模式中的应用情况,并对其未来发展做了一些有益的探讨。
中文关键词: 卫星云图,反演,资料同化,数值模式
Abstract:The development of satellite remote sensing technique give more and more no real and no complete quasi continue research data.Comparing with other conventional observations,satellite data have higher horizontal precision and wider research area.It is more easily to control measure errors.The applications of satellite data to numerical model were analyzed,and some meaningful study results for the development of satellite data assilimation were presented.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,2001.Application of Satellite Data to Numerical Model[J].Meteor Mon,27(9):3-8.
,2001.Application of Satellite Data to Numerical Model[J].Meteor Mon,27(9):3-8.