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中文摘要: 运用GMS TBB资料对比分析了1999与1998年夏季长江流域暴雨的成因。其中,重点探讨了南海季风云涌与副高的相互作用同南方强降水过程形成的关系,认为:南海季风云涌爆发将副高北推或者促使长江中下游地区高压形成,强降雨出现在华南;相反,季风云涌间歇期西北太平洋副高西伸占据南海和华南,长江中下游地区出现强降水。
中文关键词: 暴雨,成因,辐射亮温(TBB
Abstract:The reasons of heavy rainfall occurred over Changjiang River Basin in 1999 and 1998 summers are analyzed using Black-Body Temperature (TBB) from Japanese GMS.It is emphasized.The relationship between monsoon cloud surge interacting with subtropical high over South China Sea and heavy rainfall processes in South China and Changjiang River Basin.The results show that subtropical high moved northward and heavy rainfall occurred over South China when monsoon cloud surge onset;in contrast,subtropical high occupied South China and South China Sea and heavy rainfall presented over Changjiang River Basin as monsoon cloud surge broke.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,2001.Study of Heavy Rainfall Causes Contrasting 1999 to 1998 Summer over Changjiang River Basin[J].Meteor Mon,27(4):38-41.
,2001.Study of Heavy Rainfall Causes Contrasting 1999 to 1998 Summer over Changjiang River Basin[J].Meteor Mon,27(4):38-41.