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中文摘要: 分析了1960~1999年通辽市风沙日数的气候特征和阶段性、沙尘暴日数偏多(偏少)月份的环流特征及其出现时的地面天气形势,以及各因素在风沙天气形成中的作用。
中文关键词: 风沙天气,气候规律,生态,对策
Abstract:An analysis of the climatological characteristics of the days that windy and sand devil weather appeared at Tongliao, Nei Monggol is described. Meanwhile, the surface synoptic situations, general circulation, and the roles of various factors in the formation of windy and sand devil, are analyzed.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,2001.Approach to the Climatological Characteristics of Windy and Sand Devil Weather[J].Meteor Mon,27(4):42-45.
,2001.Approach to the Climatological Characteristics of Windy and Sand Devil Weather[J].Meteor Mon,27(4):42-45.