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中文摘要: 应用Q矢量理论,对1995年2月一次与云南寒潮天气过程有关的昆明准静止锋进行了诊断分析。结果表明:在850hPa上,云南东部地区存在明显的非地转风辐合场,从而引起昆明准静止锋锋生;当700hPa上Q矢量锋生函数值增大,说明锋后冷空气加强,昆明准静止锋容易南下;低层Q矢量辐合带与昆明准静止锋雨区有较好的对应关系。
中文关键词: 静止锋,Q矢量,锋生
Abstract:The quasi geostrophic Q-vector method was applied to diagnose the southward movement of Kunming Quasi stationary Front(KQF) in association with a cold wave in Yunnan province in February 1995.The results show that the convergence of geostrophic wind in east Yunnan at 850hPa is an important factor responsible for the frontogenesis of KQF.When the value of geostrophic frontogenesis function increases greatly at 700hPa,KQF will move southward.Furthermore,it is found that frontal rain area is correlated well to the position of the Q-convergence at the lower level.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1999.A Quasi-geostraphic Q-vector Analysis of Kunming Quasi stationary Front[J].Meteor Mon,25(8):6-10.
,1999.A Quasi-geostraphic Q-vector Analysis of Kunming Quasi stationary Front[J].Meteor Mon,25(8):6-10.