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中文摘要: 根据人体舒适度指标,考虑到温度和湿度的关系,研究了长江中下游地区夏季高温期间,没有减湿条件的空调房间的最佳降温幅度,并计算出有降温降湿条件的不同场所的最佳降温降湿幅度。
中文关键词: 夏季高温,空调房间,人体舒适度
Abstract:According to the index of human body comfort and considering the relationship between temperature and humidity,the best lowering range of temperature in air conditioned room without humidity lowered condition was studied,and the best temperature lowered and humidity lowered range in various place with temperature lowered and humidity lowered condition was calculated
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1998.Study on Human Body Comfort in Air Conditioned Room during the High Temperature in Summer[J].Meteor Mon,24(7):55-57.
,1998.Study on Human Body Comfort in Air Conditioned Room during the High Temperature in Summer[J].Meteor Mon,24(7):55-57.