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中文摘要: 使用最近10年的逐日资料,分析了辽宁省西南大风的天气气候特征。应用天气动力方法,分析了产生西南大风的天气特点,发现了一些预报西南大风的重要物理因子,建立了基于T106L19输出产品的预报方法并在业务中应用。结果表明,该方法预报效果明显好于主观预报
中文关键词: 西南大风,T106L19输出产品,预报系统
Abstract:The synoptic and climatic features of southwest strong wind in Liaoning province was analyzed with daily data in recent 10 years. The synoptic dynamic method was applied to research weather systems which cause southwest strong wind and some important physical predictors were found to be used in wind forecast. One prediction method was develpoed on the basis of T106L19 output products and was used in operational forecast. The results show that the forecast effect of the method is much better than that of subjective forecast.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1998.The Prediction Method of Spring Southwest Strong Wind on the Basis of T106L19 Output Products[J].Meteor Mon,24(7):45-49.
,1998.The Prediction Method of Spring Southwest Strong Wind on the Basis of T106L19 Output Products[J].Meteor Mon,24(7):45-49.