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中文摘要: 利用1961—1994年地面、500hPa天气图和降水资料,分析了一脊一槽环流型与长江三峡地区枯水期(10月—1月)区域性强降水的关系。分析了与强降水有关的暖高脊的时空分布特征,并进行了逐日反查,概括出了区域性强降水的预报指标。用1995年天气图和降水资料进行检验,在1996年10—11月进行试预报,结果表明该预报指标具有一定的参考价值。
中文关键词: 环流型,区域性强降水,预报指标
Abstract:By using surface and 500hPa weather map and precipitation data from 1961 to 1994, the relationship between the one ridge-one trough circulation pattern and regional severe precipitation during the dry season (Oct. —Jan. ) in Sanxia on the Changiang was analysed. The characteristics of temporal and spatial distribution of warm high ridge associated with severe precipitation were analyzed and the day by day checking was carried out,and the forecast indexes of severe precipitation were summarized.
The checking was carried out with the application of the weather map and precipitation data in 1995. The results were good . The study have been applied to the informal forecast during Oct. —Jan. in 1996. The trial were quite good and the forecasting indexes possess certain value of reference.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1997.The Relationship between One Ridge-one Trough Circulation Pattern and Regional Severe Precipitation in the dry Season in Sanxia on the Changjiang[J].Meteor Mon,23(5):30-33.
,1997.The Relationship between One Ridge-one Trough Circulation Pattern and Regional Severe Precipitation in the dry Season in Sanxia on the Changjiang[J].Meteor Mon,23(5):30-33.