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中文摘要: 综述了我国7月份雨型的划分方法,各种雨型的多雨特点及环流特征,总结了各类雨型的预报判据。着眼于赤道东太平洋海温(SST)、冬季(1—3月)500hPa环流、春季(3—5月)西太平洋副热带高压、夏季(6—8月)赤道平流层纬向风准两年振荡(QBO)等方面,分析了与7月雨型的关联。该方法对业务预报有很好的指导意义。
中文关键词: 雨型,SST,大气环流,QBO,因子分析,预报
Abstract:The dividing method of the rainfall pattern in July,the circulation features and the forecast ing criteria of each rainfallpattern are summarized.The relationship is analysed between the three rainfall patterns and the factors of SST in eastern equatorial Pacific,the circulation at500hPa lev el in Winter,the subtropical high in western Pacific in Spring,as well as the QBO windphase in Summer.This method is of some guide to the forecast of China precipitation inJuly.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1997.A Forecasting Method for China Precipitation in July[J].Meteor Mon,23(3):50-54.
,1997.A Forecasting Method for China Precipitation in July[J].Meteor Mon,23(3):50-54.