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中文摘要: 针对徐淮地区冬小麦的生长情况,建立了冬小麦总生物量与气象条件综合因子逐日蒸发量的增长模式,并在引进三种群生态模型基础上,结合穗茎叶之间关系,研制出穗茎叶干物质相互作用模式。用数学方法研究了冬小麦干物质形成的规律,对生长模拟具有实际参考价值。
中文关键词: 冬小麦,总干物质,穗茎叶相互作用模式
Abstract:According to three population model in mathematical ecological theory,considering the in terrelation among ear,stem and leaf of winter wheat in Xuhuai Region of Jiangsu Province,an in teraction model was setup,which described their dry matter weight.The study carried out is very useful to winter wheat growth modeling.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1997.A Model on Dry Matter Weight for Winter Wheat Yield Formation[J].Meteor Mon,23(3):46-49.
,1997.A Model on Dry Matter Weight for Winter Wheat Yield Formation[J].Meteor Mon,23(3):46-49.