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中文摘要: 根据农业气候相似性原理,用聚类判别法筛选相似要素及其权重系数,以修正的欧氏距离系数为定量指标,进行平均气候条件下棉花引种的农业气候相似诊断分析,分别得出了山东省春棉、夏棉引种的国内外适宜区和次适宜区。
中文关键词: 棉花,引种,农业气候诊断,相似距
Abstract:Based on the agroclimatic analogue principle,the key similarity elements and their weighting coefficients were screened by cluster analysis method.The weighted mean of modified Euclidean distances is the similarity distance as a quantitative index,and the agroclimatic analogue diagnostic analysis of introducing cotton varieties was completed,showing suitable areas and sub suitable ar eas for introducing spring sown cotton and summer sown cotton varieties in Shandong.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1997.Agroclimatic Similarity Diagnosic Analysis for Introduction of Cotton Varieties in Shandong Province[J].Meteor Mon,23(3):42-45.
,1997.Agroclimatic Similarity Diagnosic Analysis for Introduction of Cotton Varieties in Shandong Province[J].Meteor Mon,23(3):42-45.