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中文摘要: 在科塔哥干燥指数的基础上,采纳了柯本在夏季多雨地区,草原气候(干)与林木气候(湿)界际的地区标准,结合广东地区气候特征,通过实际气候资料检验和修正,提出了一种适用广东及其邻近地区的干湿气候指数计算公式。经过用广东省各地实际资料作年内的和冬、夏半年的,以及任意年、月的干湿指数的实际计算和分析,发现该指数能较清楚地反映广东干湿气候变化特征。这对于为农业生产和经济建设服务具有实际的意义。
中文关键词: 干湿气候指数,干季和湿季,气候变化
Abstract:On the fundamental of the Coutaque's index of monthly aridity and utilizing the Kppen limit it of the dry steppe climate and wet forest climate in the summer pluvial regions,the examination and revision of the climatic information are conducted.Considering the climatic characteristics of Guangdong,a formula of climatic index of ariditty and wetness has been presented. The aridity and wetness index are computed and analysed with the data of a year,sumer and winter half year,and some year or months in Guangdong.These results are improtant for agriculture porduction and economy planning.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1997.A Computation Tecnique of Climatic Index Aridity and Wetness[J].Meteor Mon,23(3):15-19.
,1997.A Computation Tecnique of Climatic Index Aridity and Wetness[J].Meteor Mon,23(3):15-19.