(兰州大学大气科学系,兰州 730000)
Diagnosis of Heat and Moisture Budgets of the “93.5”Black Storm during its Development
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中文摘要: 1993年5月4—6日(“93.5”)在我国西北地区发生了一次极具破坏力的“黑风暴”。为了诊断这次黑风暴发展期的热量和水汽收支,使用了具有高分辨PBL参数化及40km细网络的MM4对该例控制模拟的输出资料和热量与水汽收支方程。对视热源(Q1)和视水汽汇(Q2)的诊断结果指出,Q1的垂直积分在黑风暴的前部和后部分别呈现一条显著的加热带和冷却带。在黑风暴区,Q1Q2的区域平均垂直廓线揭示,黑风暴的Q1加热主要发生在对流层的上部,而其中部加热主要出现在发展初期;与Q1相应,Q2在低空和中空分别发生明显的增湿变冷和变干加热。这些结果不仅与因黑风暴过程而观测到的强剧强降温率一致,而且也为改进和发展用于模拟和预报黑风暴的中尺度数值模式提供了一些物理依据。
Abstract:A “black storm ”with severe destructibility occurred in the Northwest Region of China during 4-6 May 1993 (“93.5”).In order to diagnose the heat and moisture budgets of the black storm during its development ,here used were the output data from control simulation for this case using improved MM4 with high resolution PBL parameterization and 40km fine mesh,and the equations of heat and moisture budgets.The diagnostic results for the apparent heat source(Q1) and apparent moisture sink (Q2) indicated that the vertical integrations of the Q1 exhibited marked heating and cooking bands in ahead and behind parts of the black storm ,respectively.The area averaged vertical profiles of the Q1 and Q2 in the black storm region revealed that heating of the Q1 for the black storm occurred mainly upper levels of the troposphere,the heating in the midtropospheric levels occurred mainly the developing early stage of the black storm,in correspondence with Q1 ,the marked moistening cooling and drying heating of the Q2 occurred the lower levels and middle levels,respectively.These results are not only consistent with observed rapid and intense detemperature rate and showery rain with snow due to the black storm event ,but also provides physically basis for improving and developing mesoscale numerical models used to simulate and forecast the balck storm.
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Author NameAffiliation
,1997.Diagnosis of Heat and Moisture Budgets of the “93.5”Black Storm during its Development[J].Meteor Mon,23(3):8-14.