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中文摘要: 利用西双版纳40年雾的资料,揭示了西双版纳40年来雾日、雾时和雾量(雾露降水总量)正在迅速减少。例如景洪市1954—1960年的年平均雾时高达858.01小时,而1991—1994年仅为213.56小时。雾减少的直接原因是相对湿度的降低,而相对湿度的降低是由于气温升高和降水量的减少。植被减少和城市热岛效应的增强是西双版纳雾迅速减少的人为原因。
中文关键词: 雾,西双版纳,人类活动
Abstract:Using the fouty years data of fog in Xishuangbanna, the following fact is discovered: the days,hours and amount (water) of fog are rapidly decreasing. For example,in Jinghong,the averaged fog hours per year from 1954 to 1960 is 858. 01 hours, but it is only 213. 56 hours from 1991 to 1995. The cause for fog decrease is the increasing of air temperature, the decreasing of the precipitation and then the lowering of relative humidity. It is pointed out that the reduced vegetation and the enhanced city-island effect are the artificial cause of fog decrease in Xishuangbanna region.
keywords: fog, Xishuangbanna, human action
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1996.Fog Decreasing in Xishuangbanna Region[J].Meteor Mon,22(11):10-14.
,1996.Fog Decreasing in Xishuangbanna Region[J].Meteor Mon,22(11):10-14.