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中文摘要: 1994年江淮地区出现了大范围高温干旱的异常天气,持续高温之长仅次于1934年,但甚于1978年。形成高温、干旱的环流特征是:7月份西太平洋副热带高压过早地北越27°N,控制长江下游地区;而8月份由于台风路径的偏南西进和近海北上,造成大陆高压稳定。出梅后,西风带急流急速北抬,导致冷空气活动偏北,也是江淮地区盛夏久旱不雨的原因之一。
中文关键词: 高温,干旱,环流特征
Abstract:The large-scale high temperature and drought weather occured in the Yangtze and Huaihe river valley,especially in the south of Jiangsu and Anhui province in 1994. It was concluded that its duration is only shorter than that in 1934, but longer than that in 1978. The following abnormal circulation situation was the main cause giving rise to such high temperature and drought weather. The Western Pacific sub-tropical high jumped to the region to the north of 27°N earlier to control the lower reaches of the Yangtze river in July. The typhoon moved westward more southerly and northward over the coastal water so that the continental high was steady in August. Meanwhile,another cause was that the westerly jet jumped northward quickly and maintained over the area from 42. 5°N to 47. 5°N after ending of the mei-yu period,therefore cool air moved more northerly.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1996.The Characteristics of the Circulation Causing Continuous High Temperature and Drought in the Yangtze and Huaihe River Valley in 1994[J].Meteor Mon,22(7):40-42.
,1996.The Characteristics of the Circulation Causing Continuous High Temperature and Drought in the Yangtze and Huaihe River Valley in 1994[J].Meteor Mon,22(7):40-42.