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中文摘要: 以天气学原理和预报页经验为基础,通过对影响宝鸡地区45场暴雨天气的分析,探讨了不同尺度系统对暴雨落区的经向分布与纬向分布的影响。由此建立了暴雨落区的预报模型,对中尺度区域内暴雨落区的预报进行了有益的尝试。
中文关键词: 中尺度区域,降水分布特征,暴雨落区,短期预报
Abstract:Through analysis of 40 cases of heavy rain at Baoji,depending on principles of meteorologyand weathermen's experience,the influence of different-scale systems on radial--zonal distributionof heavy rain is discussed. From this. the model of forecasting heavy rain fields was completed.Also a significant test to forecast heavy rain fields in a meso-scale area is made.
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作者 | 单位 |
张弘 | 陕西宝鸡市气象局 721006 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1994.A Primary Study of Forecasting Heavy Rain Fields in a Meso-scale Area[J].Meteor Mon,20(7):35-38.
,1994.A Primary Study of Forecasting Heavy Rain Fields in a Meso-scale Area[J].Meteor Mon,20(7):35-38.