Standard Effective Temperature (SET) is the best thermal comfort index
induced from human heat balance model so far. SET is used to analyze the therma
l comfort in nonheating period in Harbin. In actual environment, one person ma
y feel too cold or too hot when he/she wears different clothes and takes differen
t activity. For lots of people, the environment can't make all of them feel comf
ort because every individual has different feeling about the environment and has
different standard of comfort. So, discomfort index (DISC) is adopted in this p
aper to analyze the degree of discomfort in Harbin. Based on data of
hourly temperature, hourly relative humility and hourly wind speed in nonheati
ng period (from 20 April to 20 October) in 2005 in Harbin, average threehour te
mperature, relative humility and wind speed of every period of ten days from 20 A
pril to 30 May and from 1 September to 20 October are calculated. Average three
hour temperature, relative humility and wind speed of every month from June to O
ctober are calculated too. And based on the thermal comfort figures in the book
“Architecture. Climate.Energy", the method of interpolation is applied to obta
in the SET and DISC values of everythreehour of every period of ten days. Som
e conclusions are: If people in Harbin wear clothes for which clothing thermal res
istance is 0.6, such as trousers, semisleeve shirt or longsleeve shirt, from
June to August and people wear clothes for which clothing thermal resistance is 0
.9, such as trousers, longsleeve shirt, and jacket in other periods, there are
no period to make eighty percent of people feel thermal comfor
t when people work at a table in a room. From 10:00 to
18:00 in a day of thelasttenday of May to thefirsttenday of September, seventy per
cent of people feel comfort. People can feel cold in 75 percent of a day during the pe
riod from thelasttenday of April to thefirsttenday of May. People ca
n feel very cold in half a day during the period from thelasttenday of Sep
tember to thefirsttenday of October. So, in nonheating period in Harbin,
people may wear warmer clothes to offset the discomfort.