The observations and investigations for macroscale and microscale char
acteristics of clouds and precipitations are helpful to establish their typical
multiscale patterns and technological system of scientific seeding, and also s
upply the important foundations for seeding schemes of precipitation enhancement.
Integrated observations for a cloud and precipitation process which occurred in
the experiment region of Henan Province (31.5~35°N,111~114°E) on 31 Ma
rch, 2004 were carried out by means of radar, satellite, as well as airborne PMS
(Particle Measurement System) and GPS (Globe Positioning System), etc. The phys
ical properties of this process of cloud and precipitation are analyzed. This ra
infall process, ranged from small to middme level, was caused by a typical cold
front with a trough. There appeared a front cloud system with a trough at its re
ar part from the GEOS satellite image. The cold front at the surface was located
at the head of the cloud belt. The PPI (Plan Position Indicator) radar echo dis
played a narrow and long echo belt with a not very large intensity, while the RH
I (Range Height Indicator) echo showed that the average altitude of cloud top wa
s 5~6km. The radar echo was almost uniform except for some individual echo clu
sters whose intensity ranged from 20 to 30 dBz, and there was an obvious br
ight belt of 0℃. The main clouds formed precipitation were altocumulus (Ac) above th
e front and cumulostratus (Sc) below which contained abundant liquid water. The
maximum liquid water contents in Ac were 0.072g/m3 and 0.086g/m3
at the height of 4340 m and 3670 m, respectively, where temperatures were -4.8℃ and 0℃,
while the maximum liquid water content in Sc under Ac was 9*10-8g?cm-
3 where temperature was 0℃. Before formation of precipitation, the spectral shape of parti
cles was singlepeak and the particle diameters varied from 5 to 10 μm. The co
ncentration of large particles was very low, less then 0.1cm-3, with an inc
ontinuous distribution. With the development of microphysical processe and precipitati
on formation, the spectral shape turned to doublepeak or multipeak, and the
particle concentrations and their diameters increased obviously.