The monthly mean temperature, precipitation, mean maximum and minimum temperature, first/latest frost, frost-free season, accumulated temperature and soaking rain in four weather stations of Tieling during 1960—2004 are analyzed by using of linear trend analysis and moving mean methods. The results show that the temperature has an obvious warm tendency and the precipitation has a decrease tendency in Tieling during recent 45 years. Specifically, in recent 15 years, the rising range of temperature increases, and precipitation reduces obviously in spring and summer. There is also an evident difference in the changes in four seasons. The warm trend is evident in winter, the rising range of the mean minimum temperature is more evident than the mean maximum temperature, and the daily range of temperature decreases. The first frost is delayed, the latest frost is ahead, as a result, the frost-free period prolongs, and the accumulated temperature obviously increases, the late soaking rain and the extreme climate events occur frequently.