Based on the data of typhoon and precipitation and history weather maps from 1949 to 2000, statistical analysis of typhoon heavy rain in North China is made, it is found that lots of characteristic about typhoon of time-space distribution, landing area, moving route, seasonal feature and the interaction between typhoon and mid-latitude system. It shows that in 52 years, there are 51 heavy rainfall events resulting from typhoon, about 1 event a year. Most of them occurred in the summer (July and August). When typhoons made landing, or disappear, the locations were very regular, and the landing places were mostly in Fujian, Zhejiang. There is no typhoon landing between northern Jiangsu and southern Shandong where typhoon goes out mostly. When a typhoon is very strong, appears easily. On the other hand, when a typhoon is very weak, there would be little precipitation.