ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 30,Issue 6,2004 Table of Contents

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  • Abstract List
  • 1  A Review on Study of Methane Emission from Rice Field in China Ⅰ. Mechanism and Affecting Factors
    任万辉 许黎 王振会
    2004, 30(6):3-7. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.06.001
    [Abstract](774) [HTML](0) [PDF 394.60 K](1636)
    A review is made on methane emission study from rice fields in China for more than 20 years. It includes the observation of methane emission flux from rice paddy fields; the biological mechanism of methane production and the study of mechanism of methane production,oxidation,transportation in the rice fields; and the factors affecting methane emission. Methane production and oxidation,the factors affecting methane emission are introduced,especially.
    2  On Application of Cloud Microphysical Parameters to Aircraft Icing Forecasting
    曹丽霞 纪飞 刘健文 白洁 王新炜
    2004, 30(6):8-12. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.6.002
    [Abstract](917) [HTML](0) [PDF 452.98 K](1590)
    The developments of aircraft icing forecasting and of research on cloud microphysics parameters is reviewed. The application of the cloud microphysical parameters to aircraft icing forecasting is analyzed and discussed. When model simulated and satellite retrieved cloud microphysical parameters are applied to aircraft icing forecasting,the accuracy and rationality would be improved.
    3  Energetic Analysis of Typhoon "Durian" in South China
    姚才 张诚忠 黄明策
    2004, 30(6):12-17. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.6.003
    [Abstract](1079) [HTML](0) [PDF 377.75 K](1352)
    Heavy rain in southwest of South China caused by typhoon "Durian" is simulated by MM5. Based on the excellent agreement with the observation,the area average energetic budgets and conversion over the region of typhoon is undertaken with the balance equation of kinetic energy for the divergent wind and rotational wind,to indicate the maintaining mechanism of typhoon and the characteristic of evolution of energy,as well as the relationship between the typhoon and its outside enhanced heavy rain.
    4  Heavy Rain Affected Beijing Area: A Case Study
    毕宝贵 李晓莉 李泽椿
    2004, 30(6):18-23. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.06.004
    [Abstract](915) [HTML](0) [PDF 501.04 K](1416)
    A special weather event over Beijing is simulated,and a series of sensitivity experiments are carried out using a nested grid version of PSU/NCAR's mesoscale model(MM5) with a fine mesh grid size of 15km. It is shown that the MM5 model reproduces successfully the development of the weather process and its relevant mesoscale systems,that latent heat release acts a vital role in the development of the windward waves weather case,that responses to topographic forcing is rather sensitive;and that the store and transportation of the low-level potential unstable energy over Beijing are crucial conditions for the formation and intensification of convection.
    5  An Explanation on the Inevitability for Anhui Flood and High Temperature in 2003 due to Summer Climate Change in Recent 50 Years
    田红 刘勇 何金海
    2004, 30(6):24-27. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.06.005
    [Abstract](762) [HTML](0) [PDF 282.13 K](1370)
    Using data of summer temperature and precipitation in recent 50 years of Anhui Province,the climate change in summer season is analyzed and the inevitability of extreme climate events is explained. The results indicate that (1) Summer temperature decreased and precipitation increased in recent 50 years,so temperature is in a phase of low climate base state now and precipitation in high. (2) Climate variability also vary with time,and now both temperature and precipitation are in a phase of high climate variability so that we should be aware of frequent occurrence of extreme climate events such as flood,high temperature. (3) Maximum entropy spectrum analysis shows that the summer precipitation varies periodically for 2- to 3-year,with the character of QBO.
    6  Analysis of Precipitation Characteristics from June to September in Northwest China for Last 40 years
    王宝鉴 黄玉霞
    2004, 30(6):28-31. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.6.006
    [Abstract](1013) [HTML](0) [PDF 291.08 K](1185)
    With EOF and ROEF and wavelet analysis,the abnormal characteristics and the evolution rule in Northwest China are studied on the basis of the precipitation and temperature data of June-September for the period 1961-2000 collected from 168 stations. The results show:(1) The abnormal characteristics of precipitation in Northwest China is affected by the same large scale synoptic system,the precipitation abnormal area can be divided into seven regions. (2) The changes with time and periods of precipitation at each station are not the same. (3) The trend changes of drought is same at the first and the third region,the others are not the same.
    7  Study on Drought Forecast in Liaoning Province
    孙凤华 袁健
    2004, 30(6):32-35. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.6.007
    [Abstract](1185) [HTML](0) [PDF 235.47 K](1574)
    Based on the annual precipitation data of five meteorological observation stations (Shenyang,Dalian,Dandong,Yingkou,Chaoyang) in Liaoning Province from 1953 to 2001,precipitation set is set up,the precipitation variation is analyzed. Annual precipitation showed an obvious reducing trend. According to the set,a drought catastrophe set is rebuilt. With the grey system model GM(1,1),the drought forecast problem in the five areas is discussed. The test show that the forecast effect is prefer with the data from 1996 to 2001.
    8  Analysis of a Lightning Disaster Event on July 17,2002 in Lushan Mountain
    许爱华 马中元 郭艳
    2004, 30(6):35-39. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.6.008
    [Abstract](854) [HTML](0) [PDF 2.83 M](1402)
    Some instructive conclusions are given through analyzing the data of synoptic situation,satellite image,Doppler radar and lightning locating system of the course of lightning disaster on July 17. It is emphasized that it is important in judging the occurrence of lightning and convective weather to find the features such as strong vapor cumulating area in moisture chart,integrated echo and high strong echo area in the chart of radar echo and zero value line occurred in the velocity field of radar echo.
    9  Application of Set Pair Analysis to Yunnan Heavy Precipitation Processes Forecast Ensemble
    2004, 30(6):39-42. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.6.009
    [Abstract](590) [HTML](0) [PDF 272.07 K](1480)
    The concept of contact degree in Set Pair analysis is applied to heavy precipitation processes forecast ensemble in Yunnan Province. First,the heavy precipitation processes is defined into different patterns. Contact degree among severe precipitation processes and forecast of MM5 meso scale model or objective forecast of Yunnan Province or empirical forecast of forecaster are confirmed. The weighting method is used to integrate with severe precipitation processes forecast. Finally,the severe precipitation processes forecast ensemble method is given.
    10  Fog Forecast of Local County in Hebei Province with PP Method
    赵玉广 李江波 康锡言
    2004, 30(6):43-47. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.6.010
    [Abstract](946) [HTML](0) [PDF 369.51 K](1543)
    Based on meteorological data from 1960 to 1999,the relation between fog and weather factors is analyzed. In terms of the conventional data and the T106 numerical forecast products,the 24-hour and 48-hour regional and local county fog forecast in Hebei are made.
    11  Concept Model of Hail in Northern and Central Fujian Province
    陈秋萍 傅伟辉 吴木贵 赖荣钦
    2004, 30(6):48-51. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.6.011
    [Abstract](1029) [HTML](0) [PDF 283.59 K](1028)
    Sixty four cases of hailfall for the past 20 years are analyzed. Three synoptic types are plotted. Source and path of hail cloud,echo characteristics,physical parameters characteristics of each synoptic type are given. Three concept models of hail in Northern and Central Fujian Province are established.
    12  Analysis of Experiment of Integrated Drought-preventing Techniques for Summer Maize
    2004, 30(6):52-55. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.06.012
    [Abstract](582) [HTML](0) [PDF 295.26 K](1295)
    The field experiment of the integrated drought-preventing techniques such as wheat straw mulching,spraying drought preventing agent and wrapping seed before planting,were conducted from June to September 2002 The results show that the soil water content increased by 10%-20% in 0-30cm soil layer,the drought harm was reduced,and growth of summer maize in experiment field was better than that in farmland The summer maize yields increased by over 10% and benifit added over 500 yuan/hm 2 with the application of the integrated drought preventing techniques.

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