ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 30,Issue 3,2004 Table of Contents

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  • 1  Weather, Water and Climate in the Information Age
    2004, 30(3):3-6. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.03.001
    [Abstract](480) [HTML](0) [PDF 411.75 K](1373)
    In the World Meteorological Day (WMD), a topic is chosen by WMO every year since 1961 for the public in the world to enhance the understanding of the importance of the meteorological problem concerned. The topic in 2004 is: Weather, water and climate in the information age so as to improve the people's knowledge about the role of water in the sustainable development, the relationship between water, weather and climate, the effect of information transportation in the information age.
    2  On Microphysical and Radiative Characteristics of Convective Precipitating Cloud System with Cloud-microwave Radiative Transfer Model
    黄容 程明虎 崔哲虎 王柏忠 何会中
    2004, 30(3):7-11. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.3.002
    [Abstract](658) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.91 M](1277)
    The convetive cloud system on 20 July 2003 in Wuhan region is simulated with a 3-D convective precipitating cloud model. The microphysical characteristics of a mature convective system derived from 3-D cloud model approach to the results from TRMM TMI and PR products. The result from the cloud model is then used as input into a 3-D microwave radiative transfer model that calculates the upwelling radiance received by the rediometer aboard the satellite. The result shows that the structure of cloud has a strong influence on the upwelling microwave radiation.
    3  Numerical Simulation for the “98.7” anomalous Heavy Rainfall in Wuhan City
    齐艳军 程明虎 仪清菊
    2004, 30(3):12-16. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.3.003
    [Abstract](947) [HTML](0) [PDF 498.54 K](1429)
    A sustained anomalous heavy rainfall event occurred over southern Hubei Province during 20—22 July 1998. A two-way nested nonhydrostatic mesoscale numerical model called MM5 was conducted to simulate the event. The simulative results show that the rain-band distribution with its center is basically consistent with that of the observation, especially for the results derived from the fine nested simulation that are very closely with the observations. In addition, the mesoscale system connecting with the heavy rainfall occurred in 20—22 July is simulated successfully.
    4  Thermal Index in Lychee Bud Differentiation Period and Its Impact on Yield
    高素华 黄增明
    2004, 30(3):17-21. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.03.004
    [Abstract](795) [HTML](0) [PDF 512.85 K](1526)
    In nourish period, lychee needs warm and wet weather, but in bud differentiation period, lychee needs moderate low temperature and drought. Based on the statistic analysis of the lychee yield and climate data in the last 50 years of 20 century, the key stage and temperature index in the lychee bud differentiation is determined. The key stage in the central part of Guangdong province for middle and latter maturity varieties is from the 2nd dekad of December to the 2nd dekad of January (about in the stage of anthotaxy anlage differentiation). The average temperature in four dekads of the key period is from 11 to 14℃, favor to bud differentiation, the rate of high yield year is about 70%. In a year with the average temperature from 15 to 17℃ for the key period is not favor to bud differentiation, the rate of lean year is about 75%. If in the partial warm year, before the 2nd dekad of January appears the moderate low temperature process, the average temperature in 2 dekads is lower than 15℃, so lychee can also have a better harvest.
    5  Application Study on Satellite-RS-based Drought Monitoring in Fujian Province
    张春桂 李文
    2004, 30(3):22-24. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.3.005
    [Abstract](967) [HTML](0) [PDF 5.80 M](1313)
    Based on vegetation water supply indexes, RS monitoring patterns and technique are studied in the geographic ecological environment in Fujian Province. Appropriate drought scale indicators are set up, according to the satellite RS dynamic monitoring is conducted on the lasting drought in the winter-spring period between 2001 and 2002 in Fujian Province. The result shows that the monitoring findings accord with the practical situation.
    6  Analysis of “0185” Heavy Rain in Shanghai
    杨克明 张守锋 张建忠 郭文华 刘诚
    2004, 30(3):25-30. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.3.006
    [Abstract](942) [HTML](0) [PDF 660.80 K](1208)
    A process of heavy rain occurred in Shanghai on 5 and 6 August, 2001, the daily rainfall in the Huangpu and Xujiahui broke the record of last 50 years. Based on the densified satellite images, data of Doppler radar from Nanhui, Shanghai, the densified observation, and a dynamic diagnostic analysis of the event is documented. The result shows that it was the development of meso β-scale system that caused the heavy rain. And the deep humid neutral stratification and the symmetric instability, which act as the activator in the development of meso β
    7  Variation of Annual Temperature Anomaly in Jiangsu and Its Air-Sea Background Features,1961—2000
    曹乃和 吴志伟 陈新育 钱国萍
    2004, 30(3):31-34. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.3.007
    [Abstract](720) [HTML](0) [PDF 344.23 K](1498)
    Based on the EOF analysis of annual temperature of eleven stations of Jiangsu Province from 1961 to 2000,the temperature anomaly variation is analyzed,and further more, the relationship between the temperature and 500 hPa height departure,SSTA in the same and preceding months are analyzed.
    8  Analysis and Forecast of Typhoon Storm Surge in Zhoushan Bay
    2004, 30(3):35-38. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.03.008
    [Abstract](868) [HTML](0) [PDF 459.73 K](1449)
    Based on tidal observations (1956—2000) in Dinghai tidal gage station, a statistical analysis of the typhoon storm surge disasters in Zhoushan Bay is made. The features of typhoon storm surge along different paths are analyzed. Furthermore, the regression method based on PRESS standard is used for surge forecasting.
    9  Forecast of the Hailstorms in the Northwest Guangxi with 2-D Convective Cloud Model
    2004, 30(3):39-42. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.03.009
    [Abstract](767) [HTML](0) [PDF 290.99 K](1229)
    A 2-D convective cloud model is used to forecast the hailstorms in the northwest Guangxi. The results show that the model may forecast the hailstorms in the region accurately.
    10  Application of MM5 Model and the Operational Weather Forecast System
    刘诗军 王庆 迟竹萍
    2004, 30(3):43-47. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.3.010
    [Abstract](970) [HTML](0) [PDF 461.81 K](1391)
    MM5 model system is one of the most widely used mesoscale meteorological modeling system in the world. Due to its nonhydrostatically dynamical structure, optional physical options and the advanced Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation (FDDA), MM5 is mainly used in meteorological research and operational weather predicting domain. For some technical reason, MM5 is always running on UNIX system, the case running on Windows is quite few. Application of MM5 to Windows has been tried and is successful, and an operational weather forecast system is established based on the work. Some problems were put forward, the structure of PC operational weather forecast system and its scheme was introduced.
    11  A New Technique of Forecast and Service of Heavy Rainfall and Snow-melted Flood in Weigan River Area
    张俊岚 毛炜峄 王金民 张亚新
    2004, 30(3):48-51. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2004.3.011
    [Abstract](811) [HTML](0) [PDF 516.55 K](1503)
    The contributions of the heavy rain and the melted snow during severe flood of the Weigan River area in Xinjiang in the summer of 2002 are analyzed based on the data obtained by the meteorological observation,radar and satellite monitor, hydrology and meteorology forecast products. A new technique of forecasting and service of the heavy rain and snow-melted flood in Xinjiang is developed.

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