ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 29,Issue 3,2003 Table of Contents

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  • Abstract List
  • 1  Our Future Climate: To What Extent Will HumanActivities Interfere with It?
    2003, 29(3):3-7. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2003.3.001
    [Abstract](632) [HTML](0) [PDF 523.66 K](1306)
    Significant progresses have been made in global climate change science for the past 20 years. However, there is still a long way for scientists to harvest the ripe fruit. The current argument over detection of and attribution to climate change could not be ignored, and the projection of anthropogenic climate change trend given by the IPCC TAR would be surely subject to modification with the prospective progress in the exciting field of modern earth sciences. These progresses should, and most probably will, be made in history of earth climate change, global carbon cycle, climate system model and climate modeling, land use and land cover change and the effect on regional or even sub continental climates, and stability of earth climate system.
    2  The Deviation Analysis of Light Measuring with Illuminometersunder Natural Sunlight and on Farmland
    王谦 陈景玲 吴明作 董中强
    2003, 29(3):8-11. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2003.03.002
    [Abstract](631) [HTML](0) [PDF 274.01 K](1482)
    The conversion factors of illumination in different weather type are deduced and calculated according to the basic principle of chroma, the light penetrates through the canopy at different high level above ground are measured, and the measured radiation intensities are compared with converted ones. The results are: (1) the two illuminometers can be used to natural sunlight measured at 1 and 2 classes sunlight but not at 3 and 4 classes; (2) the deviation ratios of the quantum converted from measured illuminations are about 0 2 at the inner active surface level on farmland, meanwhile at outer active surface level the deviation ratios are higher because of the effect of light spots and drop shadows, so it naturally needs more repetitions.
    3  Analysis of Wind Vector above Tanziling Mountain of Three Gorges
    沈铁元 陈少平 陈正洪 杨维军 毛以伟
    2003, 29(3):12-16. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2003.03.003
    [Abstract](674) [HTML](0) [PDF 405.21 K](1340)
    Based on observations of wind vector above Tanziling mountain of Three Gorges with a three dimensions anemocinemograph, the wind velocity, frequencies of velocity and direction and the daily variation in the areas are analyzed. Combining with the theories of orographic wind and some natural phenomenon,the horizontal characteristics of air flowing filed are given, so the riverway returning breeze is found. It emerged in a river channel around the basic flow if there is a special topographic form. This returning breeze in the areas has a hundred to thousand meter scale. It is different from mountain valley wind directed by Changjiang riverway that it is caused by orographic dynamical factor not by thermodynamical factor and has opposite direction.
    4  Artificial Control Air Humidity to Reduce Coke Ratioof a Blast Furnace
    2003, 29(3):17-19. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2003.3.004
    [Abstract](835) [HTML](0) [PDF 216.73 K](1591)
    Coke ratio, an important energy consumption index of a blast furnace, changes with seasons as some meteorological elements, especially, absolute humidity. It is found that coke ratio of a blast furnace is related with the absolute humidity. Experiments show that coke ratio of a blast furnace can be reduced by artificial control air humidity, thus increasing economic benefit.
    5  Application of Variation Method and Pattern Recognition ofSatellite Image to Forecasting of Heavy Area Rainfall overthe Upper Reaches of Changjiang River.
    王登炎 李德俊 金琪
    2003, 29(3):20-22. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2003.3.005
    [Abstract](802) [HTML](0) [PDF 231.36 K](1450)
    Under the condition of assumption that it is correct of area rainfall forecasting of NWP, pattern recognition method of satellite image is used to forecast maximum heavy rainfall and correct maximum rain of MAPS. Variation method has been used to get minimum of objective function between correct field and incorrect field. The forecast tests showed that the methods have advanced accuracy of heavy area rainfall forecasting.
    6  Short-range Forecast of Heavy Area Rainfall Combined PP Methodwith MOS Method in the Upper Reaches of Changjiang River
    王丽 王仁乔 金琪 李才媛
    2003, 29(3):23-26. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2003.3.006
    [Abstract](834) [HTML](0) [PDF 324.90 K](1508)
    A statistical forecast equation, combined PP (Perfect Prediction) method and MOS (Model Output Statistics) method, is developed. The operational forecast results, from June to September 2002, show that the equation has better skill for forecasting of heavy area rainfall in the upper reaches of the Changjiang River.
    7  Short-range Forecast of Heavy Area Rainfalland Interpretation of T213′s Products
    李才媛 宋清翠 金琪
    2003, 29(3):27-30. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2003.3.007
    [Abstract](940) [HTML](0) [PDF 376.07 K](1316)
    One hundred cases of heavy area rainfall greater than 50mm from 1971 to 2000 in the six drainage areas of the upper reaches of the Changjiang River are analyzed , the 24hr′s forecast indexes of every drainage area are developed. Automatic differentiating T213′s forecast products correspond to the indexes by computer, the 24hr′s?48hr′s forecast of heavy area rainfall in the six drainage areas are made. Operation using from June to July in 2002 was run. The results show that the method has the better forecasting ability to heavy area rainfall, and the meteorological interpretation of T213′s products is feasible.
    8  Application of Optimum Correction Method to Forecasting ofheavy Area Rainfall over the Upper Reaches of Changjiang River
    周筱兰 张礼平 王仁乔 顾永刚
    2003, 29(3):31-33. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2003.3.008
    [Abstract](931) [HTML](0) [PDF 218.56 K](1399)
    By using the optimum correction method,the forecasting of short-rang area mean rainfall of the six drainage areas in the upper reaches of the Changjiang River is done based on correcting the MAPS precipitation numerical forecasting. The operational experiments from June to October show that accuracy of routine mean area rainfall is higher about 15% than that of MAPS,and accuracy of heavy mean area rainfall is higher about 18% than that of MAPS , and the percentage of hits is about 48%.So,it has good effect.
    9  Short-range Heavy Area Rainfall Prediction System ofthe Upper Reaches of Changjiang River
    李才媛 王仁乔 王丽 王登炎 金琪 熊秋芬 宋清翠 李德俊
    2003, 29(3):34-37. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2003.3.009
    [Abstract](740) [HTML](0) [PDF 287.24 K](1283)
    The structure, running, and function of the short range heavy area rainfall prediction system over the upper reaches of the Changjiang River are introduced, respectively. Every method of heavy rainfall forecasting is simply depicted.
    10  Analyses of Tropical Squall with CINRAD/SA Data
    2003, 29(3):38-40. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2003.3.010
    [Abstract](1079) [HTML](0) [PDF 269.33 K](1460)
    The Doppler feature of tropical squall are analyzed in detail with CINRAD/SA data,including vertical wind structure and echo evolution procession. The atomospheric circulation background is also described with synoptic map and the satellite image.
    11  Echo Features of a Hail Process with CINRAD Datain Northern Fujian Province
    陈秋萍 邓志 苏万康
    2003, 29(3):41-45. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2003.3.011
    [Abstract](1094) [HTML](0) [PDF 4.90 M](1720)
    By using CINRAD data including its intensity,velocity and other products, a case of hail process is analysed. The results provide important conclusions for nowcasting of a process in the different stages.
    12  Geographic Factors Effects on the Climatic Distributions in Akesu Area
    张俊岚 王华 谢国辉
    2003, 29(3):46-48. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2003.3.012
    [Abstract](750) [HTML](0) [PDF 226.36 K](1739)
    By using climatic statistics principium, and ten meteorological station data at Akesu area from 1961 to 1999, the effects of regional geographic factors, such as the longitude and latitude, sea level elevation, on the distributions of the climatic elements, temperature, precipitation, sunshine etc. in Akesu area of Xinjiang are studied, and four kinds of topographic climates are obtained in Akesu area.
    13  Heavy Rain Detecting Technique by GMS Satellite Data
    刘文 赵玉金 张善君
    2003, 29(3):49-52. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2003.03.013
    [Abstract](1096) [HTML](0) [PDF 383.47 K](1399)
    Using fine spatial temporal resolution GMS-5 multi channel remote sensing data and conventional meteorological data , the methods to detect heavy rain is discussed by estimating hourly rainfall and daily rainfall,and a model of detecting heavy rain is developed in Shandong Province. The result shows that the technique has better effect.
    14  Analysis of Meteorological Conditions for Peanut andSweet Potato Growing in Southeast Fujian
    2003, 29(3):53-57. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2003.03.014
    [Abstract](696) [HTML](0) [PDF 372.13 K](1245)
    A study of the relationship between the production of peanut and sweet potato and meteorological condition is made. According to statistical analysis, conclusions are as follows: (1) The drought in summer or Autumn is a major natural disaster for paddy crops. (2) When the number of days with drought (the late part of June to July) is greater than 20d, the soil moisture is less than 30%, the production of peanut was poor.(3) When the number of days with drought is greater than 30d, from August to October, the moisture is less than 25%, the crops suffered from drought.(4) Heavy rain existed from June to October, the run off is quite large due to low soil moisture storage capacity of the sandy loam, the ecology would be poor.(5) Because the water storage capacity in soil layer is low, it would be changed the irrigational pattern from field irrigation into spray irrigation.

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