ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 28,Issue 10,2002 Table of Contents

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  • 1  The Two Latest Olympic Weather Support:Review
    梁丰 陈明轩 王玉彬
    2002, 28(10):3-8. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2002.10.001
    [Abstract](672) [HTML](0) [PDF 4.42 M](1502)
    The Olympic weather support in Sydney and Atlanta could be regarded as the top level in the world. For learning from them and doing better for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,the experiences of these two Olympic weather services are reviewed.
    2  Short Range Climate Prediction of the Onset and Intensity of South China Sea Summer Monsoon
    何敏 许力 宋文玲
    2002, 28(10):9-14. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2002.10.002
    [Abstract](1098) [HTML](0) [PDF 2.73 M](1525)
    The short-range climate prediction of the onset and the intensity of South China Sea summer monsoon are studied. The relationships between the South China Sea Monsoon Index (SCSMI) and the environmental fields, such as 850hPa wind, 500hPa height, SST, OLR, are examined. The possible mechanism of the relationship with the South China Sea Summer Monsoon (SCSSM) is discussed. The anomaly of the SCSMI in winter and the previous environmental fields may be used as a earlier signal to indicate the onset and intensity of SCSSM. Based on the above research results, a concept model is raised for the prediction of onset and intensity of SCSSM. The trial prediction in 1998—2001 got a satisfied assessment.
    3  Distribution Features of Acid Rain in Three Gorge Reservoir Area
    杨贤为 邹旭恺 马天健
    2002, 28(10):14-18. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2002.10.003
    [Abstract](875) [HTML](0) [PDF 346.51 K](1376)
    Based on the monthly acid rain and meteorological data for recent years in Three Gorge reservoir area, the spatial and temporal distribution features of the intensity and frequency of acid rain are analyzed. By contrasting with relative meteorological elements, it can be found that the intensity of acid rain variation relates to precipitation, wind speed and fog days to a certain extent.
    4  Analysis of Thermal Effect of Environmental Conditions in Shijiazhuang City
    2002, 28(10):18-21. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2002.10.004
    [Abstract](646) [HTML](0) [PDF 301.38 K](1322)
    Besed on the observation data,thermal effect of environmental conditions in Shijiazhuang is analyzed in detail.The results indicate that the greenbelt of city can adjust the local temperature.The ground temperatures of different underlying surface have obvious diversity.The building or underlying surface,such as asphaltum and cement surfaces have contributed to the increasing temperature of the city.The city enlarging,buildings and hard road surface increasing,and greenbelt reducing are the primary cause which makes the city form thermal island effect.
    5  Analysis of Typhoon Heavy Rainfall in 2001
    杨克明 王文东 张守峰 张建忠 崔绚 郭文华
    2002, 28(10):22-27. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2002.10.005
    [Abstract](1007) [HTML](0) [PDF 517.05 K](1069)
    By using conventional data,HLAFS grid point data and GMS-5 stationary satellite infrared cloud picture,the diagnosis and research on synoptic characteristics of typhoon heavy rainfall in the year of 2001 in China,a especially severe rainfall caused by tropical depression on 5th August in Shanghai and physical conditions of severe rainfall from typhoon Liulian (0103) are performed.The results suggested that the dynamics,thermodynamics,atmospheric stratifications stationary and other physical factors have played a major role in the processess of two severe rainfall events investigated.As a result,it will profit us to do real time operational forecast and research work as well.
    6  Analysis of Surface Air Temperature Extremum
    潘晓华 翟盘茂
    2002, 28(10):28-31. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2002.10.006
    [Abstract](1147) [HTML](0) [PDF 307.97 K](1472)
    By using daily surface air temperature data of China′s 200 stations during 1951~1999,schemes of analyzing temperature extremum are designed. Firstly, a designed quality control procedure is performed for the daily data. Next, the thresholds of extremum are estimated in terms of the 95th and the 5th percentiles. Finally, spatial distribution of temperature extrema over China for 50 years is discussed and a new technique is proposed for detecting extreme events.
    7  Comparison of Data and Product Obtained by TRMM/PR and Hong Kong Radar
    何会中 程明虎 周康军 李曾中
    2002, 28(10):32-36. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2002.10.007
    [Abstract](1028) [HTML](0) [PDF 422.47 K](1468)
    The heavy rainfall occurred at Hong Kong and vicinity on Aug. 23,1999 was caused by typhoon ″Sam″. The rain rate and reflectivity distribution at 1km observed by TRMM/PR and HK radar are compared. Generally,they are consistent. Two methods, i.e. average and best match, are used in comparison. The correlation coefficients obtained from best match method are higher than average method. When the distance from HK radar is less than 100km the coefficient is higher. The difference of reflectivity from PR and HK radar has increased with the distance increasing from radar site. When the reflectivity from PR is less than 20dB the value observed by HK radar is larger. Otherwise, the reflectivity from PR is larger. The difference of reflectivity between the two radars increases when the reflectivity from PR becomes larger.
    8  Helicity Diagnosis and Short-time Extraordinary Area Rainfall Forecast
    刘惠敏 郑兰芝
    2002, 28(10):37-40. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2002.10.008
    [Abstract](1121) [HTML](0) [PDF 363.97 K](1492)
    The contribution of vertical helicity to heavy rainfall are analyzed by T106 fine grid multi element numerical forecast. A dynamic precipitation products stepwise regression equation is established and the coming 6-hour area rainfall forecast is developed by combining dynamical and thermodynamical physics parameters.
    9  An Objective Local County Forecast System for Hailfall in Shandong
    杨晓霞 张爱华 贺业坤 朱平盛 刘素芳 李峰
    2002, 28(10):41-44. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2002.10.009
    [Abstract](1230) [HTML](0) [PDF 295.47 K](1330)
    An objective local county forecast system for hailfall in Shandong is established by using the multi indictor superposition the weighing coefficient method,the PP forecast method and the productions of the HLAFS numerical forecast.The results of forecast experiments and operational uses show that the system has a good forecast skill.
    10  Observational Analysis of Content of Condensation Nuclei in the Atmosphere in the Upper Reaches of Huanghe River
    黄庚 李淑日 德力格尔 李仑格 王黎俊
    2002, 28(10):45-49. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2002.10.010
    [Abstract](991) [HTML](0) [PDF 362.81 K](1383)
    By using the data measured by Mee-130 instrument in August 2000 and 2001,respectively in Maqu-Henan area in the Upper Reaches of Huanghe River,the CCN features of content variation, supersaturation ,visibility ,wind and weather conditions are discussed. By comparison with the results of some others regions, the content of natural condensation nucleus in the grasslands of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is less than others, such as Qingdao the sea types with the CCN supersaturating spectra.
    11  Analysis of Causes of Huaihe River Basin Drought in Autumn
    王秀文 李峰 阿布力米提·司马义
    2002, 28(10):50-52. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2002.10.011
    [Abstract](620) [HTML](0) [PDF 344.47 K](1061)
    The large scale circulation of Huaihe river basin drought event in the autumn of 2001 is analyzed, and further,the circulation features at 500hPa in flood/drought years are comparatively studied.It is shown that the west Pacific subtropical high is located more north,and its west ridge and stretches more west than the mean, which are main causes of Huaihe basin drought event in the autumn,2001.
    12  The Effects of Cold Weather of Late Spring on Mountain Fruit Industry and Its Protect Measures
    山义昌 宋爱红 鲁丹
    2002, 28(10):53-56. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2002.10.012
    [Abstract](715) [HTML](0) [PDF 323.10 K](1317)
    Based on the analysis of characteristic of circulation and meteorological variables,and comparing the effects of two ″cold of the late spring″ weather events on mountain fruit in the Weifang,Shandong Province,it is found that the warm temperature in the early spring is the key factor.Three methods to prevent the ″cold of the late spring″ weather are provided.This will be benefit to fruit industry of Weifang Region.

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