ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 25,Issue 10,1999 Table of Contents

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  • 1  The Influence of Soil Temperature and Moisture of Tibetan on T106 Model
    李月安 皇甫雪官
    1999, 25(10):3-7. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1999.10.001
    [Abstract](770) [HTML](0) [PDF 333.04 K](1282)
    Through comparison tests by changing the temperature and moisture data of Tibetan Plateau T106 model, and improving its surface parameterization scheme, the influences on medium forecast are discussed. The results indicate that the soil temperature and moisture of Tibetan Plateau have some effects on the forecasts of Plateau itself and China, especially the precipitation in the North East of China, modifying soil parameter can improve the forecast effectively.
    2  A Numerical Simulation of the Occluded Front in North China
    边志强 王建捷 谈哲敏
    1999, 25(10):8-14. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1999.10.002
    [Abstract](873) [HTML](0) [PDF 537.99 K](1352)
    By using the non-static mesoscale model MM5, the forming process of the occluded front in North China during the period of November 20—21, 1998 was numerically simulated.It is shown from the sensitivity tests that the spatial scale of the occluded front in North China is smaller than that of the ideal .The area of precipitation is contact with the character of the occluded front, and the condensed latent heat affect the maintaining of the occluded front in North China. The topography played a determinant role in maintaining the occluded front in North China. If no topography, the occluded fronted which is weaker will form earlier at the western side of normal place.
    3  Study on Precipitation Redistribution of Weather Modification
    1999, 25(10):15-19. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1999.10.003
    [Abstract](643) [HTML](0) [PDF 308.24 K](1359)
    Using the statistical method and the numerical simulation method,the precipitation redistribution after weather modification and the possibility of the influence on local precipitation was discussed.Statistical results indicate that artificial rainfall influences the nature distribution of precipitation,and two pieces of influence area are appeared at downwind area of the operation base.One is a rain increasing area (at downwind 15—50km area of operation base), another is a rain reducing area(at downwind 90—150km area of operation base). Results of numerical simulation indicate that the artificial catalys influences the precipitation development procedure and transforms the precipitation distribution.It is possible to control precipitation and to weaken local precipitation through artificial conscious influence.
    4  Typhoon Forecast Test with Nonlinear Stepwise Regression Method
    宋文玲 何敏
    1999, 25(10):20-23. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1999.10.004
    [Abstract](734) [HTML](0) [PDF 256.95 K](1277)
    The nonlinear stepwise regression method is used to make typhoon activity tendency forecast.Predictors chosen in the nonlinear regression equations are associated with very high correlation significance level.By considering nonlinear relationships between predictors and predictands in regression equations,better forecast results were gained in the typhoon activity forecast tests in 1995—1997.
    5  Summer Dryness and Wetness Forecast Model in Hunan Province and Its Forecast
    罗伯良 朱明辉
    1999, 25(10):23-27. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1999.10.005
    [Abstract](692) [HTML](0) [PDF 313.45 K](1326)
    Using the empirical orthogonal function(EOF)and the optimum subset regression(OSR),the statistical forecast model of dryness and wetness was established.The model includs both the principal feature of predictant and the optimum grouping of predictor.The result shows that the EOF-OSR model is important for the actural operational predictions.
    6  Probability Forecast of Temperature Variation Tendencies with Pattern Cluster Technique
    任荣彩 景华 赵玉广 徐宝新
    1999, 25(10):27-30. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1999.10.006
    [Abstract](747) [HTML](0) [PDF 274.71 K](1523)
    Based on principles of similar probability forecast,the objective probability forecasts of temperature variation tendencies at stations were made separately for both warm and cold seasons by a pattern cluster technique.Brier and other scores of warm season show that the cluster technique is rational and feasible in temperature variation tendencies′ probability forecast.
    7  A New Method for two o′clock Ground Temperature of Three time Observation Weather Station
    1999, 25(10):31-34. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1999.10.007
    [Abstract](649) [HTML](0) [PDF 235.29 K](1400)
    According to the data from our country′s basic weather stations,A method accuracy computing the ground temperature at two o′clock on Three-time observation weather stations was tested.It is suggested that a new method is used to compute two-o′clock ground temperature.This new method was verified very scientific.The computed temperature is very close to the observed value.So the method has practical and extending value.
    8  An Attempt to Improve Accuracy in Monthly Rainfall Forecast
    张永革 王延贵
    1999, 25(10):35-37. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1999.10.008
    [Abstract](640) [HTML](0) [PDF 176.73 K](1289)
    Although the plural autogression forecast model based on primary data can get high accuracy in atmospheric pressure,temprature and absolute humidity forecasts,its application to monthly rainfall forecast is unsatisfactory.The model based on typical factor of autocorrelation was suggested,which can get much higher accuracy in monthly rainfall forecast while improves the accuracy in atmospheric pressure,temperature and absolute humidity forecasts as well.
    9  Disposal of Acoustics in Rebuilding TV Weather Forecast Studio
    袁军 马辛宇 阮小建
    1999, 25(10):38-39. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1999.10.009
    [Abstract](551) [HTML](0) [PDF 134.66 K](1296)
    Through analyzing the acoustics theory of TV studio,it is suggested that how to know the acoustics quality of TV studio with noise in room and reverberate time.The detail technical disposal of acoustics in rebuilding TV weather forecast studio is also suggested combined with the author′s practical experience.
    10  Analysis and Removal of the Common Breakdown of 9210 System at the City Level
    罗晓春 吴信明 张鹏
    1999, 25(10):40-43. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1999.10.010
    [Abstract](729) [HTML](0) [PDF 277.84 K](1296)
    The breakdowns in a year operating practice of 9210 system were summarized.The appearance and reason of the breakdowns were analysed,and the removal methods were provided.It is a reference for 9210 systems operation at the city level.
    11  An Analysis of Heavy Rain in Northern Fujian Province during 13—14 May,1998
    刘爱鸣 陈世阳
    1999, 25(10):43-47. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1999.10.011
    [Abstract](853) [HTML](0) [PDF 304.47 K](1131)
    By means of some synoptic charts and satellite images,a cloud burst in northern Fujian province during 13—14 May,1998 was analysed to find out the relative features such as the circuration background,physics field,satellite images and surface meso scale system.The results about the cause of this cloud burst will benefit the operational prediction.
    12  A Study of the Forecast Method of City Conflagration with Weather
    张书余 乔锐平 陈道红
    1999, 25(10):48-52. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1999.10.012
    [Abstract](715) [HTML](0) [PDF 274.22 K](1355)
    The city conflagration generated in Hebei province is directly related to relative humidity,rainy days and temperature,and opposite to thunderstroke numbers and wind velocity by means of fire and wather data analysis in 48 years.Meteorological elements are major environmental factors which caused vital conflagration.The grading forecast system of city conflagration was established according the relationship between fire and weather elements.
    13  Design of Remote Terminals for Weather Servics
    赵芳文 郝伟 王菊芳
    1999, 25(10):53-56. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1999.10.013
    [Abstract](669) [HTML](0) [PDF 242.56 K](1253)
    Remote terminals as a modern means in meteorological service are being practiced now.Panjin Meteorological office paid more attention to the local service and designed this software interlinked the Windows NT and Novel net.Using the software,the client can visit the meteorological office′s internal net directly through Windows NT server under Windows 95 OS.Thus the client can rapidly and accurately obtain weather information such as satellite images,facsimile images,information for rain or flood and so on.The software is well designed,easy for operating and can meet various requirements.Distinctiue social and economic benifits were obtained with its application.

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